Lien se Lankstaanskoene | Naspel (epilogue) | English Summary


Lien se Lankstaanskoene by Derick van der Walt

Naspel- (epilogue)

A group of people sits tightly against one another on a couch to watch a home video recording. They are laughing and seem happy.


The video is of a group of people standing somewhere high up against a cliff with the ocean as the background. The cameraman is clearly an amateur. A boy with curly black hair mumbles something that makes everyone laugh. The boy with blonde hair and a prominent nose does not laugh but stares seriously at the camera; his arm wrapped possessively around the shoulders of a girl with long dark hair who smiles at the camera. Next to the girl is an older lady with short black hair and a yellow flower in her hair. The lady laughs and nudges the boy with the dark hair playfully. The camera topples toward the ground, and the image shows two large feet in blue flip-flops.