Lien se Lankstaanskoene | Tee en kaaskoek | English Summary


Lien se Lankstaanskoene by Derick van der Walt

Tee en kaaskoek

Lien's mother arrives drunk at school to fetch her. She is horrified, but luckily Wouter helps her mom into the back seat and drives them home. Lien hopes that Braam does not find out, but she knows that some of the other children saw her mom and that news travels fast at Jakaranda. Dirkie observes the situation and invites Lien over for tea. He advises Lien to contact the young pastor, Gerhard. Lien visits the pastor to talk to him about her mom, but she doesn't feel like it was a good idea and does not listen to what he has to say.


The video shows a young boy with curly dark hair riding on a skateboard. He does a few tricks and then shows another girl with dark hair how to ride. Two blonde girls that look like twins stand and watch. She holds onto his shoulder, and when he moves away, she rides only a short way further before falling off and turning to the camera laughing.

When the person who is watching the video stands up, he bumps the box with all the videos over. He slowly picks them all up and looks at the last video as if it is the first time he has ever seen it before. He picks it up and throws it against the wall but immediately regrets it and checks if it is still intact.