Lien se Lankstaanskoene | Iets om die palaat te verfris | English Summary


Lien se Lankstaanskoene by Derick van der Walt

Iets om die palaat te verfris

Wouter tries to persuade Lien to go to the matric farewell with him, but Lien is skeptical even though she is too jealous to let him go with anyone else. After class Lien sees Wouter speaking to Rikkie, and she gets intensely jealous as she claims she knows Wouter better than any other girl. Lien and Miemie Spies go to Wimpy for Miemie's 18th birthday. At first, Lien finds it strange that Miemie invites her as they are not friends. Miemie explains that she likes Lien's nonchalant attitude toward their school, and afterward, Lien takes a liking to Miemie. Miemie comes from a wealthy family, but her dad is not often home, and her mom is bored at home all day. When Lien arrives home, she finds Braam playing videogames with one of his friends, Deon, and wonders why her brother is not shy to bring people home to their apartment, which is in a dreadful state. In this chapter, Lien uses the word 'geel' (yellow) to describe her mom's intoxication degrees once again.