Tot Siens, Koning Arthur | Chapter 17: He ain't heavy | English Summary

Tot Siens, Koning Arthur deur Annelie Ferreira

He ain’t heavy

Sylvia waits for the paediatrician, Doctor Fourie. Whilst waiting, Fransie vomits. Sylvia notices that Fransie doesn’t complain with this doctor. The doctor diagnoses Fransie with bacterial meningitis (the most dangerous strain of meningitis). For treatment, the doctor immediately starts with penicillin. They then have to use the elevator to go to another room. During this, Sylvia (unprompted) reveals the reason why she was arrested. The police found four marijuana joints (daggasigarette) in her handbag when she was at a club on Hein’s 21st birthday. When the doctor heard this, his manner changed and he became more stern - he said, “Drugs can ruin a life”. 

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