Tot Siens, Koning Arthur | Chapter 13: Dan is alles weer soos dit was | English Summary

Tot Siens, Koning Arthur deur Annelie Ferreira

Dan is alles weer soos dit was

It’s busy at the Plaaskombuis - Sylvia is running around even though Matthew’s goth friend and Pieter are there. She’s glad because there’s a lot on her mind and she’s too busy doing other things. It’s the holiday season. Pieter’s boyfriend came to fetch him. The restaurant is empty after closing and Matthew displays his dancing progress. Sylvia is not impressed but doesn’t want to burst his bubble. Sylvia suggests that he might be better dancing to music with a clearer beat. Sylvia then proceeds to teach Matthew how to dance - hands on. Matthew dances flawlessly and they have an intimate moment. Sylvia asks Matthew how he could be so good even though his hearing is bad. Matthew says that he’s better at feeling the music than hearing the music. Matthew looks at Sylvia in “that strange way”. Sylvia decides to rush home but can’t help think about Matthew. She says that Hein will be back in a few days and then everything will be back to normal.

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