Asem deur Jan Vermeulen | Chapter 18 | English Summary

Asem deur Jan Vermeulen

Chapter 18 Summary

After the bad news he heard, Barries has not had a great night’s sleep. Barries tries to contact his mother, but to no avail. He is contacted by Dr Hakinin, who tells him that Jonah’s condition is unfortunately Von Williebrand, but that does not mean a death sentence for the sweet dog. Later, Barries has a conversation with Paul about the tattoos that he has; about his time in prison, albeit briefly. People sought protection from Paul and could find it. The situation with the Booysens escalates when Fillie brings his entire family to converse with Paul. Paul claims that he wants them gone because they cause many problems for him; however, the family merely lives off the land and sea and does nothing to bother anybody. Seeing how bad the situation could become, Barries attempts to soothe the situation and intervenes. He luckily gets Paul to back off, but he is still adamant that he wants them gone, so he gives them until the new year to leave. Back at the house, Barries and Paul lament the fact that they actually look nothing alike. Barries asks if Paul has spoken to Vera recently, to which he says the night before.

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