Onderwêreld deur Fanie Viljoen | Die Regter | English Summary | Onderwereld


Onderwêreld deur Fanie Viljoen

Die Regter

That was the last time Greg ever saw “Ekk-0”. He walks slowly back to the guesthouse, bloody and beaten, but refuses any help offered by passers-by. When he arrives at the guesthouse, he rebuffs his mother’s concerns, asking for the whereabouts of his father. He tells his mother that he fought with Eckhardt. His


father appears and Greg no longer sees the image of the important businessman that has been imprinted into his mind, but the sickly visage of his father. He asks his father what the story is with the judge.

When Greg and his brother were younger, their father had been involved in insider trading along with Doc Pienaar. They established a pharmaceutical company that Doc now owns. The company’s finances were looking favourable; however, a transaction loomed which threatened to hurt the company, so he and Doc Pienaar sold their shares, receiving millions as a result. The company sank as they feared and the case against them was strong, but Doc Pienaar had the idea of bribing the judge. It worked, but the guilt was too much for the judge and he wanted to pull out, but Greg’s dad and Doc Pienaar had recorded their conversation with the judge, holding it over his head if he refused to continue. Greg’s mother cannot contain her horror. After that, the situation was handled and Greg’s father established Turret Media; however, the judge disappeared after the case closed. He has no idea what Doc Pienaar did to get rid of the judge. Greg reveals that Eckhardt is the son of that judge, before asking his father why he did what he did. It was for the money.

Greg’s father reveals the fact that Turret Media is in terrible financial condition with debts that it cannot pay, something which has been hidden from public knowledge. He believed that he had to involve himself in Doc’s plan if he had any hopes of keeping his company afloat. Greg apologises to his mother for her having to find out about her husband in such a manner. He starts walking towards the door but turns around to ask his father one last question – one regarding the pills that John took on the day he died. His father’s sobbing is all the confirmation he needs. He tells his mother that he will be calling Inspector Cele to tell her all about “Ekk-0”.