Sweef | Die Ghostbusters van Nieu-Bethesda – Solet Scheeres | English Summary

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Die Ghostbusters van Nieu-Bethesda – Solet Scheeres

Steph and his friend Thabo hike in the intense heat of the Karoo. Steph isn’t too happy about it – his uncle comes home every second year and plans a holiday for the family; however, he always finds a way to make things more complicated than they have to be. Steph says that his uncle thinks he’s cool but he’s actually an embarrassment to the family. This time, they’ll be going to the Owl House in the Karoo – a historical place that was once the home of artist Helen Martins. Rumour has it the place is haunted. Steph’s 45- year-old uncle is excited to hang around the area after dusk, in order to do some ghost- busting with his family. In the dark nights of New Bethesda, they explore the various rooms, taking in some of the interesting art on all the walls, that is said to have been done by Helen and her helper, Koos Malgas. They talk about the fact that Helen was known to be a hermit and an eccentric who committed suicide, adding to the spooky allure of their incoming night mission.

They return to the Owl House later that night at around 9 pm, ready to explore it again. However, the scene is eerie as they approach the Owl House. As they explore, they become more and more intimidated by the various elements of the house, which now seem scary in the night time. When they get to the kitchen, Steph suggests that they leave but his uncle would much rather they carry on. Steph’s uncle walks into the sitting room and freezes when he sees her: a woman in a white robe with her mouth agape and a stream of blood oozing out. Her eyes are dead – as if she can’t see anything ahead of her. They sprint out of the house shouting and screaming and soon as they’re outside, they see the light – Steph’s dad Nico merrily asking them if they hadn’t seen Steph’s mother on the side of the road since she wanted to see what would give them a start.