Sweef | J mut m als vitel – Fawa Conradie | English Summary

Sweef en ander Verhale

J mut m als vitel – Fawa Conradie

This short story reads like a text conversation – almost all of it is shorthand. The conversation is between Krissi and her friend, Ali, and they talk about the night before, when Krissi went out with her crush, while Ali went to see a Marius. They were supposed to go to McDonald’s but didn’t meet up there, opting to talk at the mall instead. Krissi tells Ali that everyone was at McDonald’s, including her crush, one they dub “Mr Cool”. Mr Cool was there with his sister, who drives a Honda. Krissi tells Ali that she took a photo but can’t send it via MMS, opting to send it via Bluetooth when they meet up at school. Krissi then notes that they were there until midnight, which is surprising to Ali because they were out on a school night. They had milkshakes at KFC. When Ali asks what Krissi’s dad had to say, Krissi keeps dodging the question, opting to tell her more when they see each other at school. She does; however, tell Ali that Mr Cool kissed her goodnight. Krissi’s dad wasn’t around, and she’s now struggling to get him to wake up, so she tells Ali to tell their teacher that the bus is late again. Krissi later texts to say that she can’t go to school at all and that Ali should tell the teacher that Krissi is sick. Ali asks if something is happening with Krissi’s dad, but Krissi doesn’t answer. Ali concedes, saying she’ll see Krissi after school.