Vlerke vir almal (Marion Erskine) Chapter 7 Summary

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In Chapter 7, Dewald aids Nomaswazi in her driver's permit studies, referencing Nicola's butterfly symbol for motivation. Despite struggles with directionality and past driving mishaps, Dewald's encouraging advice bolsters Nomaswazi's confidence. He empathizes with her parental pressures, reinforcing their burgeoning friendship and his growing maturity.


In Chapter 7, Nomaswazi is found studying her driver's learner's permit manual when Dewald, Beesbal, and Karlien walk into English class after the weekend. Nomaswazi is preparing for her attempt at the examination for the second time, having gained only forty percent on her first try. After a playful exchange with Beesbal about his age (due to his late birthday in December, he is older than his classmates), Dewald offers to assist Nomaswazi in preparing for her learner's permit examination during their breaks. Beesbal and Karlien, therefore, decide to spend time away in the rugby field. Dewald clearly recognizes that while Nomaswazi possesses talents in different areas, understanding traffic rules and distinguishing between left and right seems to be her weak points. Dewald suggests an easy trick for remembering the order of directions, explaining that in the alphabet, the letter "L" (for left) comes before "R"(for right). Despite the initial confusion, Nomaswazi eventually grasps the idea. Nomaswazi reveals her struggle in learning to navigate the road, sharing a past incident when she crashed into a tree while learning to parallel park. She laughs off her father's tease that she inherited her mother's "stupid genes," though her eyes reveal that his words hurt more than she lets on. Despite her difficulty, Dewald encourages Nomaswazi to maintain faith in herself and visualize her success. Using Nicola's insightful words from their past, Dewald compares Nomaswazi's situation to a butterfly emerging from its cocoon with an innate, unquestioned belief in its ability to fly. Concluding the chapter, Dewald sends Nomaswazi a heartening note before they disperse for the day.


Hoofstuk 7: Dewald help Nomaswazi, 'n klasmaat, met haar leerlinglisensietoets. Ondanks haar stres en onsekerheid, gebruik Dewald geduld en aanmoediging om haar selfgeloof te bevorder. Deur sy hulp, groei hul verhouding as hy haar 'n bemoedigende boodskap stuur na tyd.


In Hoofstuk 7 van 'Vlerke vir almal', stap Dewald, Beesbal en Karlien in die Engelsklas waar Nomaswazi haar voorberei op 'n leerlinglisensietoets. Sy voel gestres omdat dit haar tweede poging is. Dewald bied aan om haar tydens pouses te help, aangesien hy sy lisensie reeds in Desember behaal het. Nomaswazi aanvaar sy aanbod en hulle sit gedurende eerste en tweede pouse saam om haar te help. Tog sukkel Nomaswazi met verkeersreëls en die onderskeiding tussen links en regs. Dewald gebruik verskillende maniere om haar te help onthou, insluitend die idee dat die letter "L" (vir links) " voor "R" (regs) kom in die alfabet. Nomaswazi is egter bekommerd dat sy 'n fout sal maak en haar pa het haar gedreig dat sy self sal moet betaal as sy nie die toets die keer slaag nie. Dewald probeer haar moed inspreek deur haar te herinner dat sy nie dom is nie en dat sy die beste is in Afrikaans- en Engelsliteratuur. Uiteindelik vertel Dewald haar die geheim om te slaag vir die toets - om in haarself te glo en nooit te twyfel aan haar vermoëns nie. Sy moet visualiseer dat sy die toets slaag, net soos 'n skoenlapper wat vir die eerste keer vlieg, sonder twyfel dat sy vlerke sal werk. Nomaswazi is duidelik geraak deur Dewald se woorde en gee hom 'n drukkende omhelsing. Aan die einde van die dag, stuur Dewald vir haar 'n bemoedigende nota.

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