Vlerke vir almal (Marion Erskine) Chapter 2 Summary
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In Chapter 2, Dewald accompanies Nicola to a secret tattoo appointment. Enduring Nicola's pain via nail marks, Dewald sacrifices his savings for her tattoo costs, for which he receives a gratifying kiss. Nicola’s butterfly tattoo emerges as a tribute to Dewald's German nickname, Schmetterling, indicating deepening friendship.
In Chapter 2 of 'Vlerke vir almal', Dewald Myburgh accompanies his friend, Nicola, to a local tattoo shop where she plans to get a tattoo without her mother's knowledge. Despite Dewald's repeated warnings about her mother's likely reprimanding, Nicola is determined to go through with it, fully intending to keep the tattoo a secret. Nicknaming Dewald 'Schmetterling', Nicola appears committed to the thought of turning eighteen, the legal age for getting a tattoo, despite still being several Octobers away from her eighteenth birthday. Her mature makeover is persuasive enough that the tattoo shop does not demand her identification. The tension mounts as the tattoo machine approaches, causing Nicola to dig her nails into Dewald's arm, which she does multiple times throughout the process. Now adorned with circular bite marks, Dewald bears the brunt of Nicola's discomfort, though it's hard to discern who is truly in more pain. The tattoo artist wrapping up his work gives them a list of care instructions, which Nicola pockets after a quick glance. With sun exposure being harmful, she laments about not being able to flaunt her tattoo that weekend. The artist warns her of infection, further exacerbating her displeasure. Nicola pesters Dewald for some money to cover the tattoo costs. Even though he'd planned on buying a new CD from 'Poets of the Fall', he begrudgingly hands over his cash. To thank him, a thankful Nicola plants a kiss on his mouth. Nicola walks out of the shop, limping a little as though in pain, highlighting the butterfly tattoo she got as a tribute to Dewald's nickname, Schmetterling, a German term for butterfly.
Dewald gaan met Nicola na 'n tatoeëerstudio waar sy 'n skoenlapper-tatoeë kry, ten spyte van sy waarskuwings. Hy betaal teenstrydig, en sy noem hom speels "Schmetterling". Met die tatoeë voltooi, verlaat hulle, Nicola grappenderwys herinner hom dat sy nou altyd aan hom sal dink.
In hierdie gedeelte van die hoofstuk is Dewald in 'n tattoostudio saam met sy vriendin, Nicola. Ofskoon hy haar waarsku teen die gevolge as haar ma uitvind oor die tattoo, is sy vasberade en grimeer syself ouer as wat sy is om in die studio toegelaat te word. Haar gedrag gee hom steeds kommer, maar terwyl die tattoo toegepas word, byt sy gereeld sy arm as gevolg van die pyn. Die tattoo-kunstenaar is 'n groot man wie se arms vol tattoes is. Die pyn skyn so intens dat Dewald onseker is wie die meeste pyn verduur, hy of Nicola. Na 'n lang tydperk is die tattoo voltooi. Dewald se eerste reaksie is dat dit baie mooi is, hoewel hy dink aan die gevolge as hy self 'n tattoo sou kry op sy sestienjarige ouderdom. Nicola is opgewonde oor die tattoo en reageer speels deur Dewald "Schmetterling" te noem, 'n term van endearment sedert hulle in laerskool was, en verwys na die Duitse woord vir 'n skoenlapper. Die tattoo-kunstenaar gee Nicola 'n lys van dinge om te vermy na die prosedure, en sy reageer sarkasties op die idee om direkte sonlig te vermy. Alhoewel Dewald aanvanklik weier om vir Nicola se tattoo te betaal, gee hy haar uiteindelik vyftig rand met 'n gepynigde uitdrukking. Nicola bedank hom met 'n soen en speelse opmerkings. Met die tattoo voltooi, verlaat hulle die studio, maar nie sonder dat Nicola hom eraan herinner dat sy elke dag aan hom sal dink as gevolg van haar nuwe skoenlapper-tattoo nie.