Vlerke vir almal (Marion Erskine) Chapter 19 Summary
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Chapter 19: Dewald visits Nicola's grave, sharing updates on everyone's life including his budding relationship with Karlien and Aldi's departure. Spotting an Emperor Swallowtail butterfly on Karlien's forehead, he perceives this as Nicola's supportive message from beyond.
Chapter 19: Dewald encounters Karlien at Nicola's grave for the first time since her death, disturbed by the lack of a butterfly sign on her grave. Karlien, leaving him alone, sets pink roses at the feet of the tombstone's stone angel. Stirred by Martina McBride's lyrics, Dewald confides in the angel, expressing his daily anticipation for messages from Nicola. He shares updates on how everyone is doing, including Nicola's grieving mother who is coping with substantial support one day at a time. Dewald had met Nicola's parents and explained why she committed suicide, stating it was due to relentless cyberbullying without revealing her sexuality. Unsettled by the discovery of cyberbully Yolandi's conversation with Nicola, Dewald and school psychologist Mr. Visser had met with Yolandi later. Yolandi was remorseful, regretting her actions. Dewald comments on the positive developments in his life, noting his mother's new position at a preschool and his blossoming relationship with Karlien. Ironically, Nicola had joked that Dewald's father would insist on using their old Volkswagen Beetle as his wedding car. Dewald acknowledges Aldi's harassment has ended with Aldi staying with her aunt and charges filed against her abusive mother. Catching sight of a rare Emperor Swallowtail butterfly on Karlien's forehead, Dewald interprets this as Nicola's approval of his new relationship and her promise to look after him.
Hoofstuk 19: Dewald en Karlien besoek Nicola se graf. Dewald praat eenkant met Nicola, dink terug aan kennisse en sy dankbaarheid vir Karlien. Hulle spot wolke, sien 'n Keiserswaelstert - 'n teken Dewald beskou as Nicola se goedkeuring van Karlien. Hul harte verlig, eindig hul begraafplaasbesoek.
In Hoofstuk 19 besoek Dewald en Karlien Nicola se graf vir die eerste keer sedert Nicola se dood. Dewald voel dit vreemd om Nicola se naam op die grafsteen te sien. Ondanks sy aanvanklike weerstand, betree Karlien die graf eenkant om Dewald 'n oomblik alleen te gee met Nicola se herinneringe. Dewald besin oor die feite dat daar geen teken van 'n skoenlapper (Nicola se tatoeë) op Nicola se graf is nie en voer 'n hartgebreekte monoloog met Nicola se grafsteen. Hy gee 'n update oor almal in hul lewe: Nicola se ma, hul wederkerige vriend Mizel, Nicola se tydsgenoot wat haar beledig het, Yolandi, en selfs Aldi, die boelie by die skool. Dewald dank sy sterre vir sy nuwe vriendskap met Karlien. Uiteindelik praat Dewald en Karlien liggies oor onbenullige dinge, soos die patrone wat hulle in die wolke sien. Een wolk lyk vir Dewald soos 'n hasie, maar Karlien sien Snoopy, die bekende karikatuurhond, in daar. Hulle gesig word verbly deur die onverwagte verskyning van 'n Keiser Swaelstert. Dewald sien dit as 'n teken van Nicola - dat sy hom kyk en Karlien goedkeur. Met 'n ligter hart eindig hulle besoek aan die begraafplaas.