Vlerke vir almal (Marion Erskine) Chapter 17 Summary

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Chapter 17: Dewald finds spray-painted insults at Aldi's house, and witnesses her mother assaulting her. Tripping and hitting his head, he loses consciousness, regretting missing his date with Karlien and grappling with Schmetterling's unintended outcomes.


In Chapter 17, Dewald discovers the hateful phrase "Die you fat louse!" crudely splashed on a white garage door. The realization sets in that the bully Aldi Lotter is receiving a taste of her own medicine, much owing to the revealing post about her on the Schmetterling forum. As he stands outside Aldi's house, he hears screams of distress within. Through the kitchen window, he witnesses Aldi having a heated argument with an older woman, who is presumably her mother. In a moment of violent aggression, Aldi's mother physically assaults her, causing Dewald to panic. Aldi, however, becomes aware of him and yells at him, blaming him for the bullying she is experiencing. In the heat of the situation, Dewald accidentally trips and takes a hard fall, hitting his head and seeing blood. As he loses consciousness, his last thoughts are of regret about missing a date with Karlien, the disappointment seeping deep in him as he drifts into unconsciousness. Unlike previous issues, Dewald finds himself grappling with matters that may be far beyond his range, such as violence and the collateral damage from his anti-bullying initiative.


Hoofstuk 17: Dewald bespeur Aldi se mishandeling tuis, terwyl hy haar wil konfronteer oor die boelie aantygings. Skokkende ontmoeting lei tot 'n fisiese konfrontasie waar Dewald sy bewussyn verloor, dinkend aan Karlien en wensend om nooit weer wakker te word nie.


In hoofstuk 17, staar Dewald na Aldi Lotter se garagedeur, wat besmeur is met beledigende woorde. Hy het empatie vir Aldi, aangesien hy dink aan die skade wat boeliegedrag kan aanrig. Nadat hy 'n gemaskerde soektog na haar adres op die forum voltooi het, besluit hy om haar te konfronteer. Terwyl hy Aldi se huis nader, hoor hy skree die tuis, met 'n klagtige woede tussen Aldi en haar ma. Hy kyk deur die venster om te sien dat Aldi se ma haar fisiek aanval, wat sy skokkende ervaring oproep. In 'n poging om te help, haal hy sy foon uit om die polisie te bel, maar net toe Aldi na hom storm. Hy begin weg hardloop, maar struikel oor 'n tuinslang. Toe hy opkyk, is Aldi bo op hom. Na 'n kort rus, smeek hy vir 'n gesprek, maar sy beskuldig hom van die aanvalle op haar. Hy struikel terug, sy kop tref die sypaadjie en hy verloor bewussyn - sy laaste gedagte is oor 'n mislukte datum met Karlien. Hy beëindig die hoofstuk met die wens om net te slaap, en nooit weer wakker te word nie.

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