Vlerke vir almal (Marion Erskine) Chapter 15 Summary

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Chapter 15: Dewald grows closer to Karlien and shares a passionate kiss before facing school punishment. Amid his mother's job loss, triggered possibly by Aldi's father, Dewald seeks Beesbal's aid while juggling academic challenges, deepening friendships and his flourishing Schmetterling project, now reaching 3,000 members.


In this portion of Chapter 15, a profound shift occurs in Dewald's relationships. Despite increasing schoolwork, the students, including Beesbal, Karlien, and Nomaswazi, maintain their commitments to the Schmetterling project, which now supports over 3,000 members. Beesbal's infatuation with Zelda leaves Dewald and Karlien alone during a recess break. Dewald offers Karlien a sandwich, sparking a conversation about body image and pressure from her modeling agent, Derrich, about her weight. During this time, Dewald comforts Karlien and professes that she is the most beautiful girl he has seen. Surprisingly, Dewald plants an impulsive yet passionate kiss on Karlien, leading them to be reported by a student council member. After learning about Karlien's family problems - her father's retrenchment and the extra responsibilities she has caring for her Down's Syndrome little brother - their pending punishments are lessened by the intervention of the school psychologist, Mr. Visser. Dewald later discusses his feelings for Karlien with Nomaswazi over the phone. His conversation is interrupted, however, when he finds his parents home early from work, his mother distraught over losing her job. The chapter ends on a solemn note, with Dewald comforting his mother and grappling with a steeping pile of personal and academic challenges. In the concluding part of Chapter 15, Dewald is consumed by anger when he associates Aldi Lotter with his mother's unexpected job loss, likely due to Aldi's father's influence. Amidst his anger, Dewald rushes to Beesbal for a discussion, leaving his grieving parents behind. He articulates his suspicions about Aldi, her potential role in his mother's termination, and his determination to retaliate against her actions. As Beesbal takes charge, promising to devise a plan, there is temporary levity when he teases Dewald about his recent romantic interaction with Karlien. This banter momentarily alleviates Dewald's fury, especially when Beesbal insinuates that Dewald's stutter may have its advantages during romantic endeavors. Beesbal's feigned offense and their ensuing laughter present a brief moment of respite in an otherwise tense situation, momentarily suspending Dewald's concern about his mother's unemployment. Thus, this part of the chapter depicts Dewald's fluctuating emotional state, the strengthening bond between the two friends, and their quest for justice against Aldi.


Hoofstuk 15: Dewald en Karlien se vriendskap verdiep. Sy onthul persoonlike probleme en hulle deel 'n kus. Hulle word egter deur die skool bestraf. Ongelukkigheid tref wanneer Dewald se ma haar werk verloor, hy verdenk Aldi se inmenging. Dewald en Beesbal plan wraak.


Hoofstuk 15: Dewald, Beesbal en Karlien beheer steeds die Schmetterling-projek wat gegroei het tot meer as 3000 lede. Met Nomaswazi besig by 'n onderwyseres en Beesbal weg by Zelda, sit Dewald en Karlien op die rugbyveld. Hy bied 'n broodjie aan haar aan, terwyl hulle in 'n Lewenswetenskap-handboek lees. Sy weier, bieg dat sy baie skaars eet omdat sy vrees om swaarder te word. Hy verwerp die idee, sê sy is pragtig soos sy is. Ongemaklike stilte volg, waarna Karlien hom vertrou en oor haar gesin praat. Haar pa is zonder werk en haar ma werk twee posisies om vir die gesin te sorg. Sy onthul ook dat haar jonger broer Dow-sindroom het. Sy doen ook modelwerk, maar moet bewus wees van haar gewig, of anders haar agent, Derrich, dalk haar kontrak kanselleer. In 'n impulsiewe oomblik soen Dewald haar, 'n gebaar wat sy teruggee. Hul oomblik word gestuit deur 'n leerlingraadslid, wat hulle bestraf vir hul gedrag en hulle na die hoof, Meneer Bosman, stuur. Meneer Bosman dreig om hul ouers te kontak, maar Meneer Visser kom na vore, noem Dewald se naam en pleit vir genade. Na 'n ongemaklike gesprek styg hulle as vriende, met Dewald wat bevestig dat hy geen spyt het om haar ge-soen te het nie. Eers daarna bel Nomaswazi Dewald met nuus dat almal op skool weet van sy kus met Karlien. Die hoofstuk eindig met die skokkende nuus dat Dewald se ma haar werk verloor het. Hoofstuk 15 vervolg: Dewald kry die skokkende nuus dat sy ma haar werk verloor het. Hy beskuldig aldadelik Aldi Lotter, 'n bekende in die skool, van manipulasie. Hy maak sy plan om met sy vriend, Beesbal, te praat. Beesbal is aanvanklik skepties, maar besef dat Aldi, met haar pa se invloed, wel die mag gehad kon het om sulke dinge te bewerkstellig. Dewald wil haar vergelding gee, maar Beesbal bly op sy stuk dat hy daaraan moet werk, hulle maak 'n plan. Tussen hulle gesprek, maak Beesbal 'n opmerking oor Dewald se onlangse soen met Karlien, 'n meisie in die skool, wat 'n ligter toon bring na die ernstige situasie. Dewald erken dat hy die soen geniet het en lag vir Beesbal se spot. Hulle grap voort en vir 'n oomblik vergeet Dewald die moeilikheid wat sy ma tans tref.

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