Vlerke vir almal (Marion Erskine) Chapter 14 Summary

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In Chapter 14, grieving Dewald withdraws, uncertain with Schmetterling's success and the received memento of Nicola's laptop. His friends attempt light-heartedness fails as the mystery of Nicola's untold suicide weighs heavily, insighting a complex journey through sorrow, guilt, and the bitter-sweet victory of memorializing a cherished friend.


Chapter 14 proceeds with Dewald dealing with Nicola's death, feeling increasingly isolated and trapped in his sorrow. During their school break, Dewald's friends Nomaswazi, Beesbal, and Karlien discuss the expanding membership of their anti-bullying project, Schmetterling, excitedly revealing its growing international presence. They propose making English the official language for communication within the group due to its practicality. However, Dewald, distracted by his grief and contemplation, is alternately present and detached during the conversation. Despite his constant reassurances to his friends, they sense something is amiss. Karlien attempts to lift Dewald's spirits with news of parents joining the Schmetterling group and the possibility of a Jiu-Jitsu trained parent offering free self-defence classes. The conversation concludes on a humorous note with Beesbal suggesting they start writing speeches for their Nobel Peace Prize. Everyone laughs except for Dewald, who forces a smile. At home, Dewald's solitude is interrupted when Nicola's mother visits. She presents him with a valuable memento - Nicola's personal laptop filled with their shared memories. The moment brings forth intense feelings for Dewald, making him further contemplate Nicola's suicide. The chapter ends with a daunting question left unanswered: Why did Nicola take her life without confiding in him? Throughout chapter 14, Dewald must grapple with Nicola's absence, his feelings of guilt and lack of closure, and the increasing realization of his role in addressing critical societal issues. His struggle underlines the convoluted path of grief and the bitter-sweet triumphs that come from carrying forward the legacies of those lost.


Hoofstuk 14: Dewald, getref deur Nicola se dood, voer Schmetterling voort, wat groei tot 400 internasionale lede. Hy hanteer eensaamheid en verborge geheime, terwyl hy worstel met onbeantwoorde vrae oor Nicola se selfmoord na ontvangs van haar ou rekenaar deur tannie Judy.


Hoofstuk 14 van 'Vlerke vir almal' begin met Dewald wat met sy vriende op die rugbyveld sit tydens 'n pouse. Meer as 'n maand na Nicola se dood, voel hy depressief en alleen. Ondanks alles, gee hy homself erkenning dat hy probeer om voort te gaan. Dewald en sy vriende bespreek die vordering van hulle Schmetterling-beweging, wat tot 400 lede gegroei het - selfs internasionaal. Hulle besluit om Engels as kommunikasietaal te gebruik, en probeer Dewald se gemoed verbeter met die nuus dat ouers en 'n jiu-jitsu-deskundige die groep ondersteun. Die idee van Suid-Afrikaanse tieners om boelies teen te werk maak 'n groot verskil, en Aldi voel verlore en bewus van die veranderde dynamiek. Dewald bly eensaam en verwyderd, en sy vriende begin op te merk. Hy hou egter by die leuen dat hy reg is, terwyl hy versteek hou dat Nicola gay en dood is. Sy ma bring 'n besoek van Nicola se ma, tannie Judy, wat Dewald 'n leuker gee: Nicola se ou laptop, gevul met herinnerings. Tannie Judy verlaat skielik, sonder om aandag te gee aan Dewald se nuwe hapering, en sy vrae oor hoekom Nicola selfmoord gepleeg het. Dewald bly agter, oorweldig deur sy eie onbeantwoorde vrae en pyn.

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