Vlerke vir almal (Marion Erskine) Chapter 13 Summary
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Chapter 13, "Terugblik," is a tragic turn: Dewald learns of Nicola's suicide, shattering his world. Overwhelmed and isolated, he develops a stutter, refusing to attend Nicola's funeral. Nicola's untimely death alters Dewald's life and worldview drastically.
In Chapter 13, titled "Terugblik" (meaning 'flashback'), the narrative shifts to a distressing turning point of the story. On a warm Oukersdag, while waiting for his routinely late mother and contemplating the anticipation in handing over Nicola's favorite color-wrapped present, Dewald is alarmed by her hysterical screams from the kitchen. His world shatters as his father announces the harrowing news of Nicola's suicide. Overcome with disbelief, fear, and panic, Dewald runs to Nicola's house where the sight of her lifeless body, marked by desperation and struggle, confirms the unbearable reality. Dewald is devastated, not only by the tragic loss of his close friend, but also due to her decision to refrain from reaching out to him in her final moments. Dewald isolates himself in his room, refusing to attend Nicola's funeral, haunted by haunting thoughts of why she made such a decision and why she wouldn't reach out to him. This grief period leaves him virtually speechless for a week, during which he develops a stuttering problem. His struggle to accept Nicola's decision, her absence, and his new stuttering problem hints at a significant turning point in Dewald's life and his struggle. The realization and acceptance of Nicola's absence shatter him, drastically changing his outlook on life.
Hoofstuk 13: Oukersdag vieringe neem 'n tragediese draai wanneer Dewald ontdek dat Nicola, sy beste vriendin, haarself opgehang het. Hy is met skok en verdriet gevul en ontwikkel 'n slagger as nasleep van die drama. Dewald se wêreld voel verbrysel.
Hoofstuk 13 herleef Oukersdag wanneer Dewald en sy gesin uitgaan vir ete gevolg deur geskenkuitruil by die huis. Dewald ontvang Nicola se geskenk in die pos en is opgewonde oor hoe sy daarop gaan reageer. Terwyl hy op sy bed lê en na sy gunstelingband luister, hoor hy sy ma hysteries in die kombuis skree. Hy vind sy ma op die grond met sy pa langs haar. Dewald vra nervoes wat aangaan toe sy pa hom inlig dat dit Nicola se ma op die foon was. Dewald deins terug in ongeloof wanneer sy pa hom inken dat Nicola haarself opgehang het. In 'n blinde paniek, gryp Dewald Nicola se ongeopende geskenk en storm uit die huis, hardloop na Nicola se huis. Buite Nicola se huis sien hy ambulansligte flits en twee ambulansmanne nader met 'n bedek lichaam op 'n brancard. Dewald versuim om hulle te laat gaan sonder om Nicola te sien. Die skokkende gesig van Nicola se lewelose liggaam laat Dewald in trane, beskuldigend vraag waarom sy hom nie uitgetoep het nie. Dewald se pa neem hom tuis en die daaropvolgende week spreek hy geen woord en woon nie Nicola se begrafnis by nie. Dit is slegs 'n week later dat Dewald besef dat hy nie net sy beste vriendin verloor het nie, maar ook 'n slagger ontwikkel het.