Vis en Tjips (Jaco Jacobs) Chapter 3 Summary
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Chapter 3 highlights Crystal's parents, Aqua World Aquarium employees, and their mascot dolphin, Ginger. Visitors decline as Ginger mourns mate Fred's death, endangering the aquarium's existence. Kevin's arrest for the vandalism gratifies Crystal, but his youth prevents imprisonment. The chapter concludes with Bianca inquiring about "Trouble" Kevin.
Chapter three revolves around the protagonist's parents who have been employed at the Aqua World Aquarium for roughly two decades, a place where they encountered each other. The father is a marine biologist and the mother, a vet, works on a contract basis at the aquarium, besides running her own practice in the city. A dolphin named Ginger, 27 years old, a good age given that bottlenose dolphins seldom live past 40, is a mascot of the aquarium. Ginger seems lonesome and in mourning after her mate, Fred, died last year. The two not only performed together before Fred's death, amusing audiences who flocked to watch their dance numbers, reminiscent of their human counterparts, but also brought considerable tourism to the aquarium as a result. Now, with Ginger refusing to perform, there are fewer visitors and the municipality, burdened by the cost of maintenance, threatens to shut down the aquarium. The protagonist is irked by individuals like Kevin Pieterse, who carelessly damage property and disregard potential consequences of their actions. Their relief is palpable when Kevin is arrested by the police, called by the protagonist's father after they discovered the graffiti and alcohol bottles. Initially, the police considered the crime insignificant until they are reminded of the security camera footage. In the footage, Kevin's face fills the screen as he enjoys painting his graffiti, a blunder that led to his arrest within a day. Kevin refused to disclose the names of his friends to the police and despite the protagonist's wish to see him behind bars, due to his age, 16 years, he was spared imprisonment. The chapter wraps up with the introduction of Bianca, a high school senior working at the aquarium's candy and gift shop. Bianca inquires about Kevin who's on a ladder, to which the protagonist responds that his name is "Trouble."
In hoofstuk 3 ontdek ons Crystal se ouers se rolle by Aqua World: haar ma as veearts en haar pa as mariene bioloog. Dolfyn Ginger, rouend oor Fred se afsterwe, weier om op te tree, wat toerisme beïnvloed. Crystal ontmoet werker Bianca, terwyl Kevin weier om sy mede-vandale se name te onthul.
In hoofstuk 3 leer ons meer oor Crystal se ouers, wat vir 20 jaar by die Aqua World-akwarium gewerk het. Crystal se ma is 'n veearts wat net op kontrak by Aqua World werk, en sy het haar eie praktyk in die stad ook. Crystal se pa is 'n mariene bioloog. Ginger, die dolfyn, is 'n belangrike karakter in hierdie hoofstuk. Ginger is eensaam, aangesien haar maat, Fred, die vorige jaar oorlede is. Fred en Ginger het mense vermaak met hulle vertonings, maak asof hulle op die water dans. Maar sedert Fred se dood weier Ginger om te wys. Hierdie het 'n negatiewe impak op die akwarium se toerisme. Die munisipaliteit het al gedreig om die akwarium te sluit, omdat dit hulle baie geld kos om dit te onderhou. Dit pla Crystal se pa baie. Crystal is kwaad op mense soos Kevin Pieterse wat dinge vernietig sonder enige rede. Haar pa het die polisie gebel toe hulle die graffiti en drankbottels ontdek het. Kevin is gepak omdat hy teen die kant van die pawiljoen geklim het om sy graffiti te verf, reg voor die veiligheidskamera. Kevin geweier om sy vriende se name vir die polisie te gee, dus het hy gemeenskapsdiens gekry. Laastens, ontmoet Crystal vir Bianca, 'n matriekleerling wat vakansies by die akwarium werk. Bianca bevraagteken Crystal oor Kevin, en Crystal antwoord dat sy hom as probleme sien.