Veldiep Chapter 35 Summary
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'Veldiep' Ch.35, Tim learns Amber, suspect in Apollo's injury case, also frequents stables. His sister, Marli, reveals Amber's home address, triggering a frenzied visit. Uncovering Amber's absence and her own equine connection, he races to the stables, consumed with fear and suspicion towards Amber's possible harmful intentions towards Apollo.
In 'Veldiep' Chapter 35, the realization that Amber was present around the time of Apollo's injury causes Tim apprehension. Chantel having alerted him, but without further information, he finds himself desperate for answers. His younger sister Marli offers some help, finding Amber's home address through her network of friends, which stimulates Tim to set out on a frenzied cycle to her home, his heart pounding with a mix of anxiety and anger. Arriving at Amber's stylish double-storey house, he is met with the information from a housemaid that Amber is often away for long periods and is currently at the stables with her horse. This revelation startles Tim. Amber has a horse too, and like him, she seeks solace at the stables. However, his worry escalates with the thought that she might have revisited Apollo with harmful intentions. Filled with fear, Tim hurriedly leaves Amber's house, setting off back to the stables with increased urgency.
In hoofstuk 35, stel Marli Tim aan Amber se moontlike betrokkenheid by Apollo se mishandeling. Hy vind Amber se adres, maak 'n vinnige fietstog om te konfronteer. Hy ontdek Amber alleen by haar perd, Nexus, waar sy oënskynlik vir Apollo "huil".
In hoofstuk 35, word Tim getref deur die nuus dat Amber, die meisie-in-die-donker èn die een van die YouTube-video, miskien by die stalle was die vorige aand. Na 'n emosionele ontmoeting, het sy ontsteld weggeloop en Tim wonder of sy wraak geneem het deur Apollo, sy perd, te mishandel. Ondersteun deur sy suster Marli, vind hy Amber se adres en maak 'n haastige fietsrit om haar te konfronteer. By haar huis, kom hy agter dat Amber by haar perd is om te "huil", en hy vrees dat sy dalk terug is by Apollo om hom weer te mishandel.