Veldiep Chapter 3 Summary
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In Chapter 3 of 'Veldiep', troubled Tim Muller grapples with heartbreak, escaping to his horse Apollo for solace. Tim's reminiscing on his treasured moments with Jessica and their shared love for Spoegwolf magnifies his emotional duress, causing him to avoid his sister Marli's attempts at comfort through a model class invitation.
Chapter 3 of 'Veldiep' opens with Tim Muller having breakfast with his younger sister Marli. Rather detached and brooding, he is called out by Marli for eating too much bread, to which he retorts with a hint of annoyance before apologizing and leaving what remains for her. His mind keeps wandering to his recent breakup with Jessica, struggling to prevent breaking down in front of his sister. Marli, noticing his disarray, attempts to make him feel better by inviting him to accompany her to a modeling class the next day, stating that a nearby sports store has new merchandise. Tim responds noncommittally, expressing that he will consider her offer. Alone in his room, Tim reflects upon the gifts exchanged between him and Jessica. He is reminded of their shared love for comic t-shirts and the fun they had shopping for vintage clothes in the city. This deeply accentuates his emotional pain over the breakup, leading him to listen to Spoegwolf, Jessica's favorite band. However, upon realization that her memories were entwined with the music, he abruptly changes tracks, only to find that she cherished the entire album. In an attempt to disengage from his surge of emotions, Tim changes into his casual clothes, discarding his school uniform. Catching his reflection in the mirror, he contemplates fixing his hair but dismisses the thought, deeming it pointless. As Spoegwolf's music fills the house, he passes by Marli, who is still in the kitchen, and informs her that he is heading to his horse, Apollo. Intriguingly, Marli hints that being with Apollo helps him line up his thoughts. This invokes a slight smile from Tim, indicating a grain of truth in her words.
In hoofstuk 3 probeer Tim, steeds hartseer, om by Jessica se verlies aan te pas. Hy ontwyk suster Marli se sorg tydens ontbyt en kies om die dag by sy perd, Apollo, deur te bring. Hy speel Jessica se gunsteling Spoegwolf-liedjies, wat dui op sy onvermoë om te vergeet.
In Hoofstuk 3 van "Veldiep", beleef Tim 'n ongemaklike interaksie tydens ontbyt met sy jonger suster, Marli, wat opmerk dat hy al die brood eet. Hy sit meer brood in die rooster en begin solank die twee snye wat hy pas uitgehaal het, botter. Sy antwoord op Marli se kritiek is afgetrokke en hy bied haar die volgende snye brood aan. Marli vra of hy reg is, maar Tim ontwyk haar sorg. Hy besluit om sy ontbyt in sy kamer te neem en te probeer om oor sy terugslag van sy onlangse breuk met Jessica te kom. Marli stel voor dat hulle die volgende dag saam kan ry na haar modelklasse en meld dat die plaaslike sportwinkel nuwe voorraad ontvang het. In sy kamer, sit Tim by sy rekenaar en begin aan Jessica dink en aan die geskenke wat hulle vir mekaar gegee het. Hy beklemtoon dat sy nooit baie om blomme of sjokolade gegee het nie; eerder, hy het haar met dinge bederf soos handgemaakte teddiebere, funky T-hemde en pieknieks of fliekaande. 'n Nuwe e-pos word aangekondig, maar Tim besluit om musiek op sy selfoon aan te sit. Hy kies Spoegwolf se liedjies wat Jessica ook geniet het om na te luister. Hy kry egter vinnig agter dat die musiek te veel herinneringe oproep, maar hy kies om voort te gaan luister. Hy kies 'n nuwe uitrusting en besluit om sy dag buite deur te bring by sy perd, Apollo. Marli, wat in die kombuis gebleef het, merk op dat sy tyd by sy perd altyd lyk om sy denke te organiseer. Tog gee Marli hom net 'n effense glimlag. Hy laat die musiek aan deur die hele huis speel terwyl hy uitstap.