Veldiep Chapter 15 Summary

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'Veldiep' Ch.15: At home, Tim shares a peaceful meal with Marli. He photographs Apollo, his emotional anchor, and savors temporary serenity. Unwittingly, he captures Amber, the English-accented loner, galloping on her horse, Nexus. Both find solace in the tranquillity of horse riding, seemingly closer yet still distant.


In 'Veldiep' Chapter 15, Tim Muller returns home after school to find his sister Marli preparing hamburgers. He helps with the preparations before joining her in eating. Afterward, he contemplates the peaceful scenery by the pool before heading back to do the dishes and change clothes. Picking up his father's new Nikon camera, Tim heads outdoors to take some photographs at the horse stables. He greets his beloved horse Apollo, taking a moment to joyfully share an apple and some interaction with him, momentarily forgetting about his struggles. An interaction with school mate Chantel and her horse has him indulging Apollo with additional treats. Tim also takes beautiful close-ups of Apollo, capturing the profoundness he believes lies in the horse's soul. A swift horse rider appears, prompting Tim to quickly adjust his camera settings to capture the action, after which he views the pictures, satisfied with the captured momentum of the gray horse even if its face isn't clear. Amber, the mysterious English-accented girl from earlier chapters, is revealed to be this rider on her horse, Nexus. Amber avoids encountering people, wary of the possible gossip, and quickly returns home, riding her scooter, after leaving instructions for her horse's care with a worker. Unbeknownst to her, she narrowly avoids running into Tim who is heading back to ride Apollo. Despite the challenges they both face, spending time with their horses in the open fields provides them a sense of tranquillity and escape from the troubles of their lives.


In hoofstuk 15 help Tim sy ma, Marli, met ete maak. Hy neem foto's met sy pa se Nikon-kamera en mis 'n oproep van Edgar. Hy sien 'n ruiter en neem foto's, voor hy op Apollo ry. Ondertussen vermy Amber, na 'n rit op Nexus, Chantel by die stalle.


In hoofstuk 15 kom Tim by die huis aan na 'n skooldag en is baie honger. Marli, sy ma, is besig om te kook en hy help haar om die etes voor te berei. Na die ete besluit hy om 'n paar foto's te neem met sy pa se nuwe Nikon-kamera. Terwyl hy aan die fotografeer is, ontvang hy 'n boodskap van sy vriend Edgar, maar besluit om dit te ignoreer. Terwyl hy aan die fotografeer is, sien hy 'n mooi ruiter op 'n perd en besluit om 'n paar foto's te neem. Nadat hy gelukkig is met die foto's, gaan hy teruggaan na Apollo, sy perd, om 'n entjie te ry. Aan die ander kant kom Amber, na 'n aangename ritsessie met haar perd Nexus, teenaan Chantel Botha, 'n ander ruiter wat by haar skool is, by die stalle aan. Ongelukkig is sy bewus dat Chantel van die onaangename video op Facebook sou weet, en probeer haar vermy. Amber maak seker dat 'n werker by die stal Nexus sal sorg en vertrek dan stiptelik met haar bromponie. Sy beoog om later die aand 'n wandeling te neem saam met haar hond, Oreo.

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