Veldiep Chapter 14 Summary

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'Veldiep' Ch.14 sees Tim Muller wrestling with Amber's perception of him while haunted by dreams of Jessica. His photography work for the school paper provides a distraction. Meanwhile, Amber contemplates changing schools amidst emotional recovery in her mother's art studio, her humiliation yet unbeknownst to her parents.


In Chapter 14 of 'Veldiep', Tim Muller grapples with his realization that Amber - whom he has dubbed "the girl in the dark" - had called him a boaster, not toaster. He's anxious that she may believe him to be a braggart, after his display of humor in their previous encounter. Jessica continues to consume his thoughts, especially during quiet moments with his horse, Apollo. Tim frequently checks her social media profiles, unable to forget her despite recognizing that forgetting is part of healing. His turmoil is sharp when he wakes from dreams of her, reminding him of their lost relationship. His mother comforts him with the assurance that his pain will subside with time, although he struggles to discuss his heartbreak openly with her. On another note, Tim uses his photography skills to distract himself from his heartbreak, helping with the school newspaper after having previously won a photography competition. The photograph of a zebra has earned a place in the principal's office. Meanwhile, Amber retreats to her mother's artistically inspiring studio, trying to make up for missed schoolwork. As yet, her mom remains ignorant about the humiliation she faced online. Amber is contemplating about her next step, whether to return to the current school or shift to a new one and how to break the news to her parents. Observing her mother paint fills Amber with a sense of hope, an emotion she wishes to feel within herself again.


In hoofstuk 14, besef Tim die meisie het hom 'n 'boaster' genoem, nie 'toaster'. Hy verbruik tyd beskou Jessica se sosiale media, wat sy hartseer vererger. Intussen, worstel Amber met self-ontdekking. Tog, deur haar ma se skildery, sien sy 'n sprankie hoop.


In hoofstuk 14 van 'Veldiep', het Tim 'n insig dat die meisie-in-die-donker hom nie 'n 'toaster' genoem het nie, maar 'n 'boaster'. Die meisie-in-die-donker bly op die rand van sy gedagtes, maar sy hart is steeds op Jessica gerig. Om sy pyn te verlig, kyk hy op Jessica se sosiale media-profielfoto's en droom van haar, maar word hartseer wakker as hy besef dat sy hom nie meer wil hê nie. Tim se ma troos hom en vertel hom dat alles sal oorwaai. Ondanks hul goeie verhouding, vind Tim dit moeilik om met sy ma oor sy breuk met Jessica te praat. Hy voel ook dat sy pa nie sou verstaan nie omdat hy besig is met sy werk. Ondertyd voel Amber depressief oor haar belewenisse en moet haar plek vind, weg van skool af. Tim se skoolhoof vra hom om foto's te neem vir die skoolkoerant in 'n poging om sy gedagtes van Jessica af te kry. Amber sit in haar ma se ateljee en probeer besluit wat sy met haar lewe moet doen. Sy besef dat sy haar ouers van haar probleme moet vertel. Wanneer haar ma 'n nuwe skildery aan haar wys, besef Amber dat daar hoop is, en dat sy eendag weer hoop in haar lewe wil hê.

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