Veldiep Chapter 1 Summary
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In 'Veldiep' Ch.1, high schooler Tim Muller reels from the sudden breakup with his girlfriend, Jessica, on their school pavilion. As he wrestles with his emotions and the mystery of 'just some guy', he mourns their happier days, his heart pierced by her betrayal.
In Chapter 1 of 'Veldiep', high school student Tim Muller is soothed into a painful stillness when Jessica, his lover, breaks up with him on Caldwell High School's pavilion. Jessica, described as short with dark curls, brown eyes, and round, soft, and red lips, pierces Tim's world with her betrayal while men are playing rugby in the background. In his seated position, Tim's hands tensely knot on hearing Jessica's revelation about having met another person. As Jessica remorsefully turns away from Tim and leaves, he calls out to her, expressing his undying affection, while her departure leaves a bitter taste on his tongue. Haunted by her parting words of finding someone else and despite the stigma against men crying, Tim bows to his vulnerability, holding back tears. The phrase "just some guy" puzzles Tim, leading to numerous questions regarding Jessica's choice to leave him for such a person. In the context of the ringing school bell and his peers leaving the field for their classes, promising to continue the game tomorrow, 'tomorrow' feels like a curse to Tim. He wishes to return to his blissful ignorance of this morning or even further back to the happier days like last month, when they had a picnic by the dam on the wildlife estate where they live. Thinking about the beautiful weather, the laughter, and their physical intimacy, he realizes he overlooks the signals of her pulling away that morning. 'Jessica', a name once brimmed with love, now holds the bitterness of a stranger, echoing in his mind a million times, but fails to alleviate his heartache.
"Jessica breek met Tim op Hoërskool Caldwell se paviljoen. Verblind deur pyn, is hy onbewus van die rugbywedstryd. Hy roep haar vergeefs terug en mis 'n gelukkiger tyd. Jessica se naam voel nou vreemd, sy verraad laat 'n diepe pyn."
"Ek het iemand anders ontmoet, Tim," sê Jessica, wat Tim Muller stom oorlaat op Hoërskool Caldwell se paviljoen. Jessica, met haar kort, donker krulle en bruin oë, staan voor hom, haar woorde verradend. Op die rugbyveld speel die seuns rugby, maar Tim is onbewus hiervan. Sy wêreld het tot stilstand kom, sy fisieke pyn oorskadu alles as hy agterkom dat sy verhouding met Jessica voorbij is. Die ontdekking van die ander man in Jessica se lewe laat Tim vra: "Wie is dit?" maar Jessica voorsien 'n vaag antwoord. Sy draai weg en loop, wat die einde beteken. In 'n poging om haar te hou, roep Tim haar naam en vertel haar dat hy lief is vir haar. Ongelukkig maak haar vertrek sy pyn net erger. Die bel toon die einde van die rugbywedstryd en die seuns se opgewonde gesprekke bring hom terug na werklikheid. Alhoewel môre hul normale lewe moet herstel, voel dit vir hom as 'n vloek. Hy soek na terugskakeling na die tyd toe alles nog normaal was, selfs al erken hy dat die oggend se gebeure ook 'n teken van probleme was. Tim se geheue gaan terug na 'n helder dag waarop hy en Jessica saam 'n piekniek geniet het by die wildlewe-landgoed. Dit was 'n gelukkige dag waarop sy vingers verken het op sy gesig, hul gedeel het in intieme gesprekke, en hy haar vir die eerste keer gevoed het. Vandag, na Jessica se vertrek en verraad, voel haar naam aan as dié van 'n vreemdeling, maar dit kan nie die diepe pyn uitvee wat hy feel nie.