Permanente Ink Chapter 37 Summary
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In Chapter 37 of 'Permanent Ink', the morning newspaper reports the 'Romeo and Juliet Killer's' arrest, confirming his confession. Past victims are remembered as the city looks forward to a memorial service, breathing a sigh of relief. Policemen’s efforts, including Captain September's, receive notable praise.
Chapter 37 of 'Permanente Ink' reports the capture of the 'Romeo and Juliet Killer.' The morning newspaper reveals that the man responsible for the terrifying spree over the past six months in Cape Town has been arrested. Notably, the police confirm the suspect confessed his guilt, though details surrounding his identity and capture remain undisclosed at the moment. Over the cycle of crime, six teenagers, all couples aged between 15 and 18, fell victim to the serial killer. All the girls were found with fatal chest wounds, whereas the boys were poisoned with an unidentified mixture. The couples' bodies were positioned side by side, and their hands were intertwined after death. Police Commissioner Jakes Tshabalala commends Captain September and his team at the Mouille Point Station for their excellent detective work. He praises September, insisting that officers like him breathe life into national pride and ensure safety. Further, a memorial service for the victims is scheduled for the coming Friday at the St. George Cathedral, Waal Street, Cape Town. In this context, news of the killer's arrest brings a degree of relief and justice to a city gripped by fear.
Hoofstuk 37: "Romeo-en-Juliet-reeksmoordenaar", Dr. Harry Burke, is gearresteer en het skuld erken. Hy het tienerpaartjies vermoor; meisies deur steekwonde, seuns deur vergiftiging. Sy arrestasie, deur Kaptein September se span, bring verligting na ses maande vrees.
Die "Romeo-en-Juliet-reeksmoordenaar", Dr. Harry Burke, wat die Kaapstad-gemeenskap vir ses maande in vrees gedompel het, is eindelik gevang en het skuld erken. Die polisie het die inhegtenisneming bevestig maar wou geen verdere inligting omtrent die verdagte of die omstandighede van sy arrestasie openbaar maak nie. Die moordenaar se handelsmerk was om tienerpaartjies tussen die ouderdomme van 15 en 18 jaar te vermoor. Die meisies is almal met 'n dodelike steekwond in die bors gevind, terwyl die seuns met 'n onbekende gifstof vergiftig is. Die lyke is langs mekaar neergelê met hulle hande post mortem ineengevleg. Polisiekommissaris Jakes Tshabalala het Kaptein September en sy span van die Mouillepunt-polisiestasie geloof vir hul deurdringende speurwerk in die saak. Hy het gesê dat dit polisielede soos Kaptein September is wat die nasie trots maak en veilig hou. 'n Gedenkdiens vir die slagoffers word die komende Vrydag by die St. George-katedraal in Kaapstad gehou. Ondanks dié gru-saak wat die gemeenskap in skok gelaat het, is die arres van die verraderlike moordenaar 'n groot verligting.