Permanente Ink Chapter 35 Summary

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In Chapter 35 of 'Permanent Ink', Dr. Burke, the suspected serial killer, traps Zelda, Mia, Werner, and Robert in the Old Dormitory's fortified cellar. Despite escape attempts, they're restrained by Dr. Burke's surveillance. Fearing imminent attack, they anxiously anticipate rescue. Their horror intensifies as they're left helpless.


In Chapter 35 of 'Permanente Ink', the tension escalates as Zelda, Mia, Robert, and Werner, trapped in the Old Dormitory, try to escape from Dr. Burke, their school psychologist and the suspected "Romeo and Juliet Killer." Despite Zelda's desire to wait for Amir, they decide to seek refuge in a cellar beneath the kitchen, which Werner knew about and had fortified previously for his dog Bella. The cellar only has one door which can be locked from the inside. As the group moves quietly towards the kitchen, they hear Dr. Burke eerily singing a creepy rhyme, freezing them in panic. Acting quickly, Werner ushers Mia and Zelda into the cellar, followed by a stunned Robert, locking the door behind them. Inside, they find a few streaks of light seeping in, a sandy floor, blankets, and two dog bowls. They hear Dr. Burke's footsteps and the sound of a chair being moved overhead. His voice reveals his satisfaction of trapping them all at once rather than in pairs. Ostensibly merciful, Burke suggests a celebration in the name of Eros, hinting at his sinister intentions. He dismisses the group's concern for Amir, claiming that Amir poses no threat because he was not one of Morpheus's chosen victims. In the pitch-black cellar, as the footsteps above fade away, Zelda starts to sob uncontrollably. Starting to panic, she attempts to scrape open a hole beneath the wooden planks of the cellar. Despite their efforts, they cannot make a significant opening. Robert makes a desperate suggestion to set the cellar on fire hoping the fire brigade would come, but Mia warns that they would suffocate from the smoke. When Dr. Burke makes his presence known upstairs, they silently wait before continuing to dig. They manage to make enough space to partially fit Mia through, but before they proceed further, they are startled by Dr. Burke's voice from above, seemingly aware of their futile escape attempts. Defeated and horrified, they fall silent as reality sinks in. Now, they can only wait and hope for rescue under the bleak anticipation of Burke's imminent attack.


Hoofstuk 35: Zelda, Robert, Werner en Mia sit vas in die Ou Koshuis se kelder, terwyl 'Romeo-en-Juliet-reeksmoordenaar' Dr. Burke hulle belaag. Hulle probeer ontsnap deur 'n opening onder die plankvloer te grawe. Ongeduldige Robert konfronteer Burke, wat hulle lewens onseker laat.


In hoofstuk 35 is die vier leerlinge, Zelda, Robert, Werner en Mia, vasgekeer in die kelder van die Ou Koshuis, en hulle probeer desperaat ontsnap terwyl dokter Burke, ook bekend as die 'Romeo-en-Juliet-reeksmoordenaar', hulle dreig. Die vier luister na Burke wat bo hulle rondbeweeg en bespeel hulle terwyl hulle werk om 'n opening onder die keldervloer se planke te grawe. Ondanks Robert se poging om Burke langs die voorfront aan te val, smeek Werner dat hulle veilig in die kelder bly. Robert, egter, voel beslis en gooi die kelderdeur oop om Burke te konfronteer. Hierdie hoofstuk eindig op 'n hoë aantekening van spanning, met die leerlinge se lot onseker.

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