Permanente Ink Chapter 27 Summary

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In Chapter 27, Amir returns injured and missing his phone after a suspicious assault. Mia and Zelda promise to help him cope with Dr. Burke's accusations and the impending Old Dormitory refurbishment. Amidst this turmoil, Werner disappears mysteriously, adding to their growing concerns. Dr. Marais insists on resolving conflicts.


Chapter 27 of "Permanent Ink" resumes with Mia and Zelda anxiously discussing Amir's sudden disappearance. They are concerned because he hasn't answered his phone since the previous night. As they contemplate what could've happened, a bruised and visibly injured Amir appears, recounting his traumatic experience. He reveals that he was accused of hacking by Dr. Burke despite being told to do so. Post this encounter, he was assaulted by an unidentified aggressor while circling the cricket nets on his way home. The assailant stole his phone but not his wallet, raising doubts about a regular mugging. Moreover, this person knew his name and whispered ominously, “It won't be you, Amir Pieterse.” despite the attack. Amir discloses his reluctance to stay home out of fear that Dr. Burke might try to expel him. He returns to school prepared to defend himself. When Mia suggests Robert as the possible assailant, Amir admits it might have been him or even Dr. Burke, given the sound of the voice. Their conversation is interrupted by Dr. Marais, the headmaster, who critical of them not working on the Old Dormitory refurbishment as per their agreement, insists they start the task the next day. Amir and Zelda commit to this plan. Nevertheless, Marais discloses his knowledge of the previous night's incident, blaming Amir for the attack based on Dr. Burke's account. The headmaster expects Amir and Robert to resolve their differences and work together. After dealing with Dr. Marais's skewed judgement, they strategize a plan to complete the refurbishment in one weekend while handling Robert and the increasingly erratic Dr. Burke. Mia volunteers to help, ensuring they outnumber Robert. However, Werner suspiciously vanishes unnoticed before school begins.


In hoofstuk sewe-en-twintig kry Zelda skrik van 'n gemartelde Amir se waarskuwing: haar naam word uit die skaduwee genoem. Skoolhoof Marais verskyn onverwags, druk hulle oor Ou Koshuis-opknapping. 'n Ondoenlike werksaamhede wag, maar Robert se afwesigheid, beloof vinniger vordering. 'n Ongesiene Werner ontsnap.


In hoofstuk sewe-en-twintig is Zelda angstig oor die afwesigheid van Amir, veral nadat sy 'n onverstaanbare voicemail van hom ontvang het. Wanneer Amir uiteindelik opdaag, is hy fisies gemartel, met 'n beswollen oog en gebukkende gang as gevolg van 'n raaiselagtige aanval. Hy deel 'nwaarskyning wat hy ontvang het voor hy flou geval het, wat sy naam vermeld het. Die aanvaller, vermoedelik Robert of moontlik Dr. Burke, het ook Amir se selfoon geroof. Terwyl Zelda poog om te verstaan wat aangaan, arriveer Dr. Marais, die skoolhoof, hul gesprek te onderbreek. Hy hekel Amir en Zelda vir hulle tekort aan vordering met die Ou Koshuis opknapping, hul gemeenskapdiens straf. Hy onthul dat hulle die projek die komende naweek moet voltooi met die byvoeging van nuwe vensters, deure, en diefwering, aangesien hy op Maandag die voortgang gaan inspekteer. Hy verwag ook dat Amir en Robert hul verskille moet uitsorteer. Mia se plan is dat sy sal saamkom om te help, maak hulle alhoewel Amir nie werklik 'n bydrae kan maak as gevolg van sy beseringe nie. Met die afwesigheid van Robert, kan hulle hul taak vinniger voltooi, sonder om in die Ou Koshuis oor te slaap soos Robert voorheen voorgestel het. Uiteindelik gaan hulle elk hul eie weg, sonder om op te merk dat Werner ongesiens weg van die groep wegglip.

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