Permanente Ink Chapter 22 Summary
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Chapter 22, 'Permanent Ink', examines Werner's nuanced character, dealing with past struggles and dismissive school views. He humorously engages, discussing politics and music, with his sister Maria, identifying their close bond. His promise to care for their father indicates his underlying responsibility amidst his rebellious exterior.
Chapter 22 of 'Permanent Ink' delves into the mind of Werner, as he takes in the sight of four bottles of Johnny Walker in the black trash can. He acknowledges that things could have been worse, given that they have been worse in the past. When his cell phone rings, he is greeted by the voice of his sister Maria. The conversation between the siblings is steeped in political discourse, which is typical of Maria. She speaks of the university's monitoring activities as reminiscent of a "communist state," ironically planning to ignore the rules anyway. Werner, who doesn't have plans for the upcoming Valentine's day, describes the people at his school as "messed up" and prefers to attend bands playing in the city instead. Maria agrees, calling Valentine's Day a capitalist plot. Their banter continues with music suggestions and ending with Maria's request for Werner to care for their father, to which he whispers, "I try." On a deeper level, this chapter reflects Werner's inner turmoil and the intricate bond between the siblings amidst the chaos of their lives.
In hoofstuk twee-en-twintig worstel Werner met sy vader se alkoholisme, en deel sy besorgdheid met sy suster, Maria. Hulle bespreek universiteit, Valentine's Day, musiekvoorkeure en emosionele afwesigheid. Maria roep Werner om na hulle vader te kyk, hoewel dit moeilik is. Familiale tema's en betrokkenhede ontwikkel.
In hoofstuk twee-en-twintig, verken Werner sy vader se alkoholprobleem deur die vullisdrom, en ontdek vier bottels Johnny Walker. Sy swaarmoedige ondersoek word onderbreek deur 'n oproep van sy suster, Maria. Maria, ʼn student by die universiteit, deel haar ongenoë oor die universiteit se beleid en beperkings. Sy en Werner bespreek ook die komende Valentynsdag. Maria verwag dat sy nie deel sal neem aan die kapitalistiese aard van die vakansiedag nie, terwyl Werner ook besluit om nie aan die skool se verrigtinge deel te neem nie. Werner praat oor die musiek waaraan hy tans luister en hulle grappie oor Maria se kans om 'n kêrel te kry. Die gesprek eindig met 'n oomblik van hartlike nostalgie tussen die broer en suster met 'n onderlinge bekentenis dat hulle mekaar mis. Maria moedig Werner ook aan om na hulle vader te kyk, wat Werner beloof om te probeer, hoewel dit duidelik emosioneel uitvraend is.