Permanente Ink Chapter 21 Summary

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Chapter 21: 'Permanent Ink' sees Robert, restless and resentful over Amir and Zelda's closeness, venting frustration by vandalizing. Derision towards Amir’s online presence and competition over Zelda escalate his anger. He makes a risky, spiteful decision to spray-paint town, signaling potential conflict ahead.


In Chapter 21 of ‘Permanent Ink', Robert is insomnia-ridden, waking up in the middle of the night. With Bullebrak, his dog, for company, he irritably rummages through the kitchen refrigerator, discontent with its healthy contents. Making a towering sandwich, he retreats back into his room where he navigates social media while enjoying his late-night meal. His derisive comments about Amir’s pitiful online presence turn bitter when he remembers rumors about Amir and Zelda’s growing closeness. This potential relationship enrages him due to his own unrequited feelings for Zelda. In a fit of anger, he discards his meal, leading to a mess he worsens by flinging a milk bottle against a wall. He seeks solace in a glass of whiskey, contemplating his distaste for school and his disappointment in having to spend time with Amir while refurbishing the Old Dormitory. He resolves not to let Amir best him and dresses in a black outfit, then fetches a black backpack filled with spray paint cans. With an air of rebellion and retribution, and with Bullebrak in tow, Robert heads out into the night with a plan to "paint the town red."


In hoofstuk een-en-twintig worstel Robert met jaloesie teenoor Amir en Zelda se verhouding. Hy voel verneder en toornig, kies om sy frustrasie te kanaliseer deur die stad met spuitverf te bemors. Saam met sy hond, Bullebrak, begin Robert vol moed sy nagtelike missie.


In hoofstuk een-en-twintig word Robert wakker en kan nie aan die slaap raak nie. Hy besluit om te gaan eet en is ontevrede met die voedsel in die yskas, maar slaag tog daarin om 'n broodjie te maak. Hy besluit om tyd op Facebook en iTunes te spandeer terwyl hy sy eet. Hy stuit op Amir se status en is bitter dat Amir 'n verhouding met Zelda het. In woede gooi hy sy oorblywende broodjie en melk teen die muur. Hy skink homself 'n glas whisky en oordink sy besluit om die naweek aan die Ou Koshuis te werk, ongelukkig dat hy sal moet spandeer dit saam met Amir. Hy besluit om nie toe te laat dat Amir sy meisie vat en hom verneder nie. Robert trek 'n sweetpak aan, pak spuitverfblikke in sy rugsak, en vertrek met sy hond, Bullebrak, terwyl hy besluit om die stad "rooi te verf".

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