Permanente Ink Chapter 2 Summary
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In 'Permanent Ink' chapter 2, headmaster Marais issues compulsory community service to errant students Robert, Amir, Werner, and Zelda. They're to refurbish school's creepy Old Dormitory, while attending mandatory psychology sessions. Meanwhile, Zelda ominously calls the Dormitory a 'soul thief', amidst unfolding double murder mysteries.
In Chapter 2 of 'Permanent Ink', Hoërskool Duiwelspiek's headmaster, Attie Marais, grapples with the news of another double murder near the school, understanding the impact of such horrific crimes on his students. Amid this dark atmosphere, he disciplines four rogue students – Robert du Toit, Amir Pieterse, Werner Swart, and Zelda Krige, known for their unique personalities and incessant misbehavior. Marais decides against detention for these students, who blatantly disobey the rules, and instead enforces community service to hopefully nip their repeated misconduct in the bud. A mysterious old building, "Ou Koshuis" or the Old Dormitory, identified by the school board for refurbishment and donation to charitable organizations, becomes the focus of the students' community service. They are required not only to haul out all the garbage but also to paint and varnish the interior, with professional contractors later handling the rest of the task. Moreover, these students are made to attend mandatory sessions with the school psychologist, which they must arrange by day's end, the inclusion of both individual and group therapy sessions. When faced with the consequences of suspension for refusal to complete these tasks, Zelda, usually lost in her own world, cryptically describes "Ou Koshuis" as a 'soul thief', adding another layer of intrigue to the situation. Despite the students' frustrations, the gravity of their acts and the impact of yet another murder changes the atmosphere, bringing a serious tone to the chapter. Thus, 'Permanent Ink' Chapter 2 masterfully weaves the mystery of imminent crime with the intricacies of disciplining wayward students, and the intrigue of the 'soul thief'.
In hoofstuk twee roep Hoof Marais probleemleerders Robert, Amir, Werner en Zelda saam. Almal het unieke misdraad wat tot gemeenskapdiens lei; Ou Koshuis opknapping. Marais is besorg oor die moorde. Zelda beweer die Ou Koshuis is 'n "siel-steler".
In hoofstuk twee word vier probleemleerders, Robert du Toit, Amir Pieterse, Werner Swart en Zelda Krige, by hoof Attie Marais se kantoor ontbied. Hulle is alreeds in die eerste week van die nuwe skooljaar in die moeilikheid. Marais kyk moedeloos na hulle - elkeen met hul unieke probleme en geskiedenis. Hy is ook besorgd deur die onlangse dubbele moord naby aan die skool. Die hoof skrop streng met die leerders. Robert het 'n gebrek aan dissipline en respek, Amir het geglooi met die skool se rekenaarstelsel, Werner was onbeskof teenoor 'n onderwyser en weier om sy hare te sny, en Zelda dagdroom gedurende skooltyd. Hy het 'n nuwe straf bedink - hulle moet gemeenskapswerk doen tot die einde van die kwartaal. Hulle moet die Ou Koshuis opruim, die mure verf, die houttrapleuning skuur en vernis, en sodoende die plek leefbaar maak. Die Ou Koshuis sal dan gratis aan liefdadigheidsorganisasies beskikbaar gestel word. Die leerders moet ook opvolgsessies by die skoolsielkundige, dokter Burke, hou. As hulle weier om hierdie straf uit te voer, sal hulle geskors word. Die hoofstuk sluit af met Zelda wat noem dat die Ou Koshuis 'n "steler van siele" is.