Suurlemoen film: Analysis of camera angles, camera shots and other film related terms.
Different camera angles:
Hoëskoot (Birds eye view): A birds eye view is used to show/film a big area. It can also try to indicate how small one actually is. This shot is filmed out of a helicopter. This angle is used when Tiaan is filmed skateboarding through the streets to Liezl's house.
Neutrale skoot (Neutral angle) : This angle is when the camera and a person's face are at equal height. An example of this is when the camera is showing Bob, Willem and Tiaan's face when they are taken hostage.
Laeskoot (Worms eye view) : This is used to film something or someone from the bottom. It is shot underneath the person. This is used at the skatepark to film all the skaters from the bottom when they're in the air.
Different camera shots:
Vestingskoot (Establishing shot) : This is the first scene of the movie. It can set the atmosphere for the movie to come. The establishing shot in Suurlemoen! is when Tiaan and Zane are on their skateboards and where Tiaan almost runs over Liezl. It immediately tells us who the important characters are.
Nabyskoot (Close-up) : This shot is used to show emotions/expressions on a person's face. It gives us an indication of what their thought or reaction is. An example of this is when Liezl is dancing and the camera zooms in on Tiaan's face to show that he likes Liezl.
Lugskoot (Aerial shot) : An aerial shot is used to show/film a big area. It can also try to indicate how small one actually is. This shot is filmed out of a helicopter. This shot is used when Tiaan is filmed skateboarding through the streets to Liezl's house.
Wyeskoot (Wide shot) : To show in what area the character is. It is also used to express the character better. An example of this is when mr. Marx is filmed in his classroom with him looking at Tiaan and Zane with the statue.
Film related terms:
Regisseur (Director) : The person who makes most decisions on how the film is made. He makes decisons such as when and how certain things will be portrayed in the film. Vickus is the director of Suurlemoen!.
Tegnieke (Teqniques) : A way of carrying out a task in a film to achieve a particular outcome.
Sny (Cut) : When one shot directly changes to another shot. An example of this is when you see mr. Marx standing with the statue and then immediately after that you see how the shot changes to a close-up of the statue.
Kostuum (Costume) : This is the clothes that the characters wear. An example is Liezl wearing her new clothes that she bought with Bongi.