- Desertification =
- is processes that reduce the quality of land.
- Degraded =
- when land is worn down, bad condition.
Effects of overgrazing
- Plants don’t have enough time to grow
- Bare patches of soil appear
- Weeds and alien plants replace grass
- Soil is eroded by wind and water.
- Dams begin to fill with washed away soil
- Animals start eating alien plants
- Animals then become sick because the alien plants don’t contain enough nutrias
- Weak animals (less offspring’s)
- Animal productivity decreases
- Young animals need more grass = more overgrazing
- Desertification takes place
- The land is no longer useful
- People leave the land.
Overgrazing has a huge effect on the environment and people.
Sustainable grazing
- Fodder =
- food for animals
- Silage =
- animal fodder stored in large tanks called silos.
Sustainable grazing methods -
- Rotational grazing
- Strip grazing
- Providing fodder