Msiba Wa Kujitakia (D.W. Lutomia) Summary

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Chapter 1 introduces Matopeni residents Machoka and Zuhura disillusioned by their ineffective elected leaders. The promising poet, Malenga Mteule, captures the struggle. Antagonist Fumo Matata, rival of new leader Sugu Junior, loses the election amid foul-play suspicions, worsening citizen despair. The chapter's title underscores the citizens' self-inflicted misfortune.


The story "Msiba Wa Kujitakia" by D.W. Lutomia carries listeners to the region Matopeni where residents, notably Machoka and Zuhura, are experiencing an unbearable period. The citizens are deeply disappointed by the leaders they elected, reflecting on their situation. Life is a struggle every day, especially for Machoka, who tirelessly seeks work but returns home empty-handed every day. On the brink of despair, Machoka quietly recites a poem that resonates with his current situation, a poem originating from Malenga Mteule, a budding poet. Machoka reflects on the times before the elections when promises were amply given but hardly fulfilled. He remembers Zuhura's insistence on supporting their own, even though this leader falls short in helping the community. In short, the populace, including Zuhura herself, regret electing the "our own" leader. Life worsens each day, and the citizens liken themselves to a rat trapped in the snare of necessity. The antagonist, Fumo Matata, goes against Sugu Junior, the current leader; the rivalry is a reflection of their fathers' enmity in the past. Despite robust campaigns, Fumo Matata loses the election, which leaves many citizens stunned, giving rise to rumors of corruption and foul play in the voting process. The former's loss triggers a grand celebration for Sugu Junior's victory, similarly reminding the populace of the celebration commemorating the emancipation of Mzee Sugu Senior, Sugu Junior's father, from colonial rule. The elaborate ceremony, as well as the vast divide between the leaders seated in luxurious sections and commoners under the scorching sun, amplifies citizens' disquiet. Thus, the leaders' fall from grace in the eyes of the community continues. "Misfortune of One's Own Choosing," a short story by D.W. Lutomia takes us to the Matopeni region where a long-anticipated event has a dwindling turnout. Key patrons and neighboring leaders, despite being provided with travel fare by Sugu Junior, fail to turn up. This disappointing situation leaves Zuhura and her fellow community members, who were brought to the event venue under government auspices, waiting anxiously for the honorable guest. The scorching sun begins to erode away the intricate henna decorations on Zuhura's hands, reflecting the fading hope in their elected leader. The event host struggles to maintain composure amongst the audience, asking for patience, a trait they believe brings blessings, in anticipation of Sugu Junior's arrival. True to the adage, patience reaps rewards, Sugu Junior eventually arrives, accompanied by his massive security entourage, reminiscent of a grand monarch, rendering even a fly incapable of nearing him. The stark divide between the leader and commoners becomes apparent as, once elected, they disconnect from the public, treating themselves as if sufferers of leprosy, needing isolation. The startling sight of vacant seats waiting for him in the meeting area leaves Sugu Junior confounded. The voices of the people, originally anticipated to echo in the event area, are barely heard. That evening, local and international media outlets report the main news - the leaders of the neighboring regions boycotted Sugu Junior's inauguration ceremony. The title's irony of "Msiba Wa Kujitakia," directly translating to "a misfortune of one's own choosing," echoes throughout the tale, reflecting on the citizen's disappointment in their elected representative. This segment of the story emphasizes the citizen's disillusionment in their leadership, amplified as the reader witnesses the vast divide between the leaders and the public, and the leadership's lack of credibility. It provides critical commentary on political disappointments and the struggle of unfulfilled expectations.


Katika sura ya kwanza ya "Msiba Wa Kujitakia", wakazi wa Matopeni wakiongozwa na Machoka na Zuhura wanakata tamaa na uongozi duni. Fumo Matata anavunja ukimya kuhusu urithi katika uongozi. Sherehe zilizoandaliwa na Sugu Junior zinakosa kuhudhuriwa na viongozi wa jirani.


Katika sehemu hii ya hadithi ya "Msiba Wa Kujitakia," inaelezea hali ngumu za maisha inayowakabili wakazi wa jimbo la Matopeni, wakiwemo Machoka na Zuhura, ambao wanavumilia umaskini na wanaghairi kwa viongozi ambao waliwachagua kwa matumaini ya mabadiliko mazuri. Machoka na Zuhura wanashuhudia jinsi uongozi umekuwa mali ya familia mbili pekee, na hatimaye wanaanza kukata tamaa na hali ya uongozi wa sasa. Machoka anaanza kupoteza tumaini na anarejelea shairi lililotungwa na Malenga Mteule ambalo linajumuisha sentensi, "Msiba kujitakia, kweli hauna kilio." Hii inaonesha jinsi anaona kuwa hali yao mbaya ni matokeo ya uchaguzi wao mbaya. Machoka anakumbuka ahadi za uongo za viongozi wa kisiasa wakati wa uchaguzi, ambazo hazikutimizwa. Zuhura pia anaanza kujutia uchaguzi wao na wanahisi wameghadhibishwa na hali hii. Hata hivyo, hawana jinsi ya kubadilisha hali hii na wanakabiliwa na hali mbaya inayozidi kuwakumba. Fumo Matata, ambaye ni mpinzani wa Sugu Junior, kiongozi wa sasa wa Matopeni, anashirikisha maoni yake juu ya jinsi viongozi wanavyochaguliwa kulingana na ukabila na sio kwa sifa. Hii inakuja karibu na simu yake, ikiwa na ujumbe mfupi wa kumpongeza kwa ushindi ambao hakupata. Utawala wa Sugu Junior ni wa urithi kutoka kwa baba yake, na Fumo Matata hisia kuwa utawala wake nao unatokana na urithi kwani babake ndiye aliyekataa nafasi hiyo na kuiachia kwa hayati Mzee Sugu Senior. Hata hivyo, Fumo anahisi kuwa haki haikutendeka kufuatia uchaguzi. Ghafla, sherehe kubwa inafanyika kusherehekea 'ushindi' wa Sugu Junior, na hii inazidi kukera wakazi wa Matopeni. Katika sherehe hii, kuna tofauti kubwa kati ya wageni wa heshima na raia wa kawaida. Wakati huo huo, Fumo Matata anaendelea kutumai kwa siku moja itakuwa kiongozi wa Matopeni. Katika mkondo huu wa hadithi ya "Msiba Wa Kujitakia", matarajio ya sherehe kubwa ya Sugu Junior yamewekwa pembeni. Wageni wachache tu ndio waliofika, hata hivyo, maelfu ya waheshimiwa na viongozi wa majimbo jirani ambao walikuwa wametarajiwa hawakuwepo, licha ya kulipwa nauli na kuhakikishiwa uwepo wao. Zuhura na marafiki zake, ambao walikuwa wamefadhiliwa na Serikali kufika katika tukio, wanachoka kungoja. Hata mapambo ya hina ambayo Zuhura alikuwa amejiremba nayo mikononi na uso yameanza kudondoka kwa makali ya jua. Mfawidhi ana shida ya kuwatuliza watu wakati akisihi uvumilivu. Ghafla, Sugu Junior mgeni anayesubiriwa kwa hamu, mwishowe anafika, akiwa na msafara mkubwa wa walinzi. Ulinzi huo mkali ungewazuia hata nzi kupita karibu naye. Sugu Junior anashangaa na anashitushwa na idadi ndogo ya watu waliopo. Vyombo vya habari vinatangaza jioni hiyo: Viongozi wa majimbo jirani wanasusia sherehe za kuapishwa kwa Sugu Junior.

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