Leeus met Ietsels (Fanie Viljoen) Chapter 5 Summary
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In Johannesburg, Buyi meets Lwazi sent by Themba, arousing suspicion. Clash of cultures evident with locals, André and Simoshile, exacerbates Buyi’s unease. Grappling with the newly learnt term "'n tsotsi", Buyi begins accustoming himself to South Africa's language and behavior, hinting at a tough adaptation ahead.
Chapter 5 continues Buyi's journey in South Africa, as he meets a friendly man named Lwazi in the bustling airport. Greeted warmly in a language he doesn't understand, Buyi feels disoriented. Lwazi, noticing his confusion, repeats the greeting in English which brings minor relief to Buyi. This sense of relief is underlined by the shock of learning Lwazi, not his father Themba as he had expected, was sent to retrieve him. The revelation that his father is still at work deepens Buyi's feelings of uncertainty and anxiety. Buyi regards Lwazi with suspicion, displaying a distinct wariness of strangers ingrained from his life in London. He surveys the surroundings for security, in case of trouble. However, there appears to be no help in sight. Lwazi's offer to help with his luggage is met with a sharp refusal from Buyi, to which Lwazi comments rightly that Buyi is scared. Buyi corrects him, saying he's merely being cautious, which Lwazi agrees is a good thing to be in South Africa. Suddenly, two more people, a boy and a girl of around the same age as Buyi sprint towards them. They're introduced as André and Simoshile, and are enthusiastically welcoming. Initial relief that they're speaking English is quickly replaced by discomfort at their unabashed friendliness and their easy imposition of physical contact. This cultural clash is further pointed out when Lwazi uses the term "'n tsotsi", a thief, which Buyi has never heard before. Despite the initial skepticism, Buyi gradually feels more comfortable, influenced by André's reassurances about Lwazi's trustworthiness and their easy, playful banter. The chapter ends with the group, led by Lwazi heading towards the rest of their journey, leaving Buyi to contemplate the long road that awaits him in his new home.
In hoofstuk 5 ontmoet Buyi Lwazi, nie sy pa soos verwag nie, wat hom verwelkom, wat hom ontstel. Die aankoms van Simoshile en André lig die spanning effens. Buyi voel steeds ongemaklik met sy onbekende omgewing en sy pa se afwesigheid.
In hoofstuk 5 van 'Leeus met Ietsels' ontmoet Buyi, vir die eerste keer, die man wat sy pa in Suid-Afrika gaan haal het - maar dit is nie sy pa nie. Die aankoms van die vreemdeling verwar en ontstel hom. Die man, Lwazi, begroet hom in 'n taal wat hy nie begryp nie, en sy aanvanklike verligting verander in vrees en verwarring toe hy besef dat dit nie sy vader is wie hy ontmoet nie. Lwazi stel homself voor as 'n vriend en kollega van sy pa, en maak 'n poging om hom gemaklik te stel deur handdrukke uit te ruil en hom welkom te heet in sy moederstad. Buyi voel egter verward en onseker oor sy pa se afwesigheid. Hy soek na 'n sekuriteitsbeampte in die hoop dat hy hom kan beskerm as dinge skeefloop, maar vind niemand nie. Lwazi bied aan om hom te help met sy bagasie, maar Buyi reageer vinnig en vinnig, bang dat die vreemdeling miskien minder vriendelik is as wat hy voorgee. Kort daarna word die spanning ligter toe 'n meisie en 'n seuntjie van sy ouderdom aangehardloop. Die kinders, Simoshile en André, praat Engels en verwelkom hom vrolik. Hulle stel hom aan homself voor en probeer om 'n gevoel van gemak te skep deur vriendskaplike gesprek te maak. As die hoofstuk sluit, probeer Buyi om homself gerus te stel in die teenwoordigheid van sy nuwe vriende, maar bly voelbaar ongerieflik met sy onbekende omgewing en die afwesigheid van sy pa.