Leeus met Ietsels (Fanie Viljoen) Chapter 3 Summary
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Struggling with the sudden move to South Africa, Buyi balks at his mother's attempts at connecting him with his absent father, Themba. Amidst leaving his known life and an emotional farewell to his mother, he embarks on the journey, pondering the strange world that awaits him.
In this chapter, Buyi grapples with the reality of moving to South Africa after learning from his mother about this impending transition. The thought of leaving London, the only home he has known, for an alien place - Africa - leaves him anxious and deeply unsettled. Buyi's mother, driven by their financial situation and her son's increasing struggles at school due to the recent fight and prevalent racial tension, assures him that this move is for the best. She even teases the idea of Buyi getting to know his estranged father, Themba, whom Buyi recalls hearing of only occasionally and with little interest. Buyi rejects initial attempts of contact with Themba, ignoring his mother's continuous calls to the man. His resentment and curiosity about Themba peak, as he questions the sudden interest of his father who never asked for him, never sent him birthday wishes or even a simple photograph. As the days pass, his mother methodically organizes their departure, acquiring his passport, persuading Themba to cover the flight expenses and packing Buyi's belongings. On a rainy evening, they head towards Heathrow airport. Despite her assurances that everything will turn out fine and that he will adapt, Buyi remains apprehensive about this drastic change. As he prepares to leave his mother and the familiar surroundings of London, he contemplates on what awaits him in Johannesburg. He thinks about the diverse culture, wildlife and the legacy of Nelson Mandela, things he knows only from TV and internet. His farewell to his mother is emotional and heavy-hearted, each trying to comfort the other amidst the tears and sorrow. His flight reaffirms the gravity of his predicament, departing towards a new life while leaving behind his mother in an empty apartment in London, consumed by grief and loneliness.
In Hoofstuk 3, worstel Buyi met die idee om sy afwesige pa, Themba, in Suid-Afrika te ontmoet. Ondanks sy vrese, reël sy ma sy reis. Een stresvolle, reënerige aand verlaat hulle Londen vir Johannesburg. Die hoofstuk eindig met 'n hartseer afskeid by die lughawe.
In Hoofstuk 3 worstel Buyi met die werklikheid dat hy na sy pa, Themba, in Suid-Afrika gestuur gaan word. Na 'n intense gesprek met sy ma, voel hy ontsteld en onseker. Hy het min kennis oor Suid-Afrika en weet nie hoe hy moet reageer op die vooruitsig om sy afwesige vader te ontmoet nie. Ondanks sy teenkanting, beplan sy ma alle praktiese aspekte van sy reis. Sy reël sy paspoort, koördineer vliegtuigkaartjies en pak sy tas. Op 'n reënerige aand, as hulle na Heathrow-lughawe onderweg is, benadruk sy ma dat alles sal regkom en bied aan om hom te bel sodra hy in Johannesburg aankom. Buyi se spannings en vrese word duidelik weergegee wanneer hy sy stad, Londen, vir die onbekende verruil. Buyi se ma bied hom 'n kans om met sy pa oor die foon te praat, maar hy weier. Ondanks die feit dat Buyi nie vriende het nie, wonder hy hoe hulle sou gevoel het oor sy vertrek. Hy dink dat dit nie maklik is om alles wat vertroud is agter te laat nie. Die hoofstuk eindig met 'n roerende afskeid tussen Buyi en sy ma by die lughawe. Terwyl hulle mekaar styf vashou, beklemtoon hulle liefde vir mekaar. Trane vul hulle oë en die pyn van die afskeid word voelbaar. Na opstyg, dink Buyi aan sy ma wat teruggaan na hulle leë woonstel en kan hy nie anders as om te wonder hoe sy lewe in Suid-Afrika sal wees nie.