Leeus met Ietsels (Fanie Viljoen) Chapter 25 Summary

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In Chapter 25, Buyi attempts a night escape from the reserve towards London. His trek is fraught with guilt, memories, fatigue, and fear—compounded by encountering a notorious one-eyed lion. As a deathly climax nears, Themba intervenes, escalating tension with his firearm against the impending lion attack.


Chapter 25 unveils Buyi's perilous journey of escaping the reserve. With sights set on the horizon, he struggles through the wilderness, comforting himself with memories of Simoshile, and combating guilt and fear. A sudden rustling reveals a darting warthog, further adding to his anxiety. Buyi's progress is hindered by uncertainty and fear of the dark; the wildlife reserve's expanse seems more vast than he'd initially thought, diminishing his confidence. Pushing the boundaries of his physical and emotional endurance, he soldiers on, navigating using his flashlight, while being haunted by a lion's distinctive roar. The unseen lion, ghosting him in the night, triggers paralyzing fear. Anticipating an imminent attack, Buyi stumbles and falls, his flashlight dying instantly. His senses heightened in the dark, he can smell the lion circling closer. He recollects warning tales shared by André and Lwazi about lions being most dangerous at night. Buyi's desperate attempts to remember advice about interacting with lions only intensify his helplessness. Suddenly, the lion's eyes glint in the dark, fixed on him. In this moment, between predator and prey, a vehicle approaches. The lion's glare directs the rescuers' spotlight onto the virile animal, its identifiable scar confirming its identity—the one-eyed lion (Leeus met Ietsels). Themba's soft and commanding voice offers reassurances to Buyi as he approaches cautiously with a firearm. The anticipation of a swift death by a lion claw clutching his stomach or teeth gnashing his skull overwhelms Buyi. As Themba bravely positions himself between Buyi and the lion, an unraveled cry of despair escapes Buyi just as the lion lunges, fueling the deadly tension of survival, only interrupted by an unexpected gunshot.


In hoofstuk 25, besluit Buyi om na Umfana se dood sy vader se wildreservaat te verlaat. Hy is bang vir die diere en die leeu. Wanneer Themba en Lwazi hom vind beskiet Themba 'n naderende leeu, en almal beland in 'n hoop op die grond.


In Hoofstuk 25 van 'Leeus met Ietsels' besluit Buyi om sy vader se wildreservaat te verlaat nadat Umfana, die hond, sterf. Hy pak sy rugsak en begin deur die natuur stap, alhoewel hy twyfel oor sy rigting en bang is vir die gevaarlike diere in die wild. Terwyl hy marsjeer, dink hy terug aan die tyd wat hy saam met Simoshile deurgebring het en hy voel verwarring en hartseer oor die feit dat hy haar moes agterlaat. Hy skrik toe 'n vlakvark sy pad kruis en klim egter weer sy vrees. Later in die nag hoor hy die brul van 'n leeu. Hy is bang, want hy is nou bewus dat hy naby 'n leeu is. Die leeu se gevaarlike teenwoordigheid laat hom ruk en Buyi bly bevrore van vrees. Hy hoor 'n enjin en sien ligte. Hy herken sy pa, Themba, en Lwazi, wat hom probeer gerusstel. Die leeu kom nader en skielik skiet Themba tussen hom en die leeu in. Die leeu spring op Themba terwyl 'n skoot afgegaan word. Hierdie hoofstuk eindig met 'n klip-vas spanning toe Buyi, Themba en die leeu almal in ’n hoop op die grond beland.

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