Leeus met Ietsels (Fanie Viljoen) Chapter 2 Summary
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Exhausted, Buyi's mother reveals his impending move to South Africa to live with his estranged father, Themba. The decision, sparked by financial struggles and Buyi's school fight, leaves Buyi shocked and filled with anxiety, facing an imminent drastic change in his life.
Buyi's mother arrives home looking worn out, carrying grocery bags. She is pale, with tired eyes and disheveled hair. As she enters the house, she complains about the mess. She's exhausted and has bought pizza for dinner, causing Buyi to complain that they had the same meal the previous night. She also criticizes Buyi for not cleaning while she was at work. As she cries, she expresses her struggle to put food on the table and maintain the household. The conversation takes a significant turn when she begins discussing decision-making. A change in her voice hints at a desolation Buyi has never observed before in his mother. She talks about a difficult decision she has made, which terrifies Buyi. She reveals that she has been informed about Buyi's school fight. Hinting towards its connection to her hard decision, she mentions how it confirmed something she was contemplating. The conversation beginning to frighten Buyi, he realizes that his life is about to transform drastically. Buyi's mother discloses that she has contacted Buyi's absentee father, Themba. She has informed him about their financial struggles and the necessity for his involvement. She announces Buyi is going to live with his father in South Africa. This pronouncement stuns Buyi, resonating fear in him. His reaction is characterized by bewilderment and anxiety.
In hoofstuk 2 help Buyi sy moeder, klag oor die kombuis en pizzas vir aandete. Sy ma deel mee oor finansiële uitdagings en besluit Buyi ontmoet sy afwesige pa, Themba, in Suid-Afrika, wat Buyi vreesaanjaend vind.
In hoofstuk 2 kom Buyi se moeder, uitgeput en sagmoedig, tuis van haar werk. Met inkopie-sakke in die een hand en 'n skeef hangende pizza-boks in die ander, vra sy haar seun om hulp. Buyi, ongelukkig dat dit alweer pizza vir aandete is, beklaag hom, maar help sy moeder uiteindelik met die sakke. Terwyl hulle praat, kla Buyi se moeder oor die vuil kombuis, iets waarmee Buyi wegskram. Volgens hom moet haar nieteenstaande, sy ma steeds na die huis en sy sorg. Buyi se moeder wys op die uitdagings wat sy ondervind om 'n huis alleen te handhaaf, insluitend die finansiële spanning om kos op die tafel te hou. Buyi probeer haar gerusstel, maar sy ma is duidelik hartseer en gefrustreer. Dan draai die gesprek na 'n dringender kwessie. Ontsteld deel Buyi se ma mee dat sy besluit het dat hy sy pa, Themba, gaan ontmoet - 'n man wat hy nog nooit voorheen ontmoet het nie. Buyi se moeder het hom verskeie kere gebel en hom ingelig oor hulle finansiële probleme en dat dit tyd is dat hy na sy seun begin omsien. Die hoofstuk eindig met 'n shock as Buyi se ma meedeel dat hy na Suid-Afrika gaan verhuis om by sy pa te woon. Hierdie nuus verwar en beangstig Buyi.