Leeus met Ietsels (Fanie Viljoen) Chapter 12 Summary
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In chapter 12, Buyi and André enjoy a break from tension with a swim and an afternoon rest, interrupted by Lwazi's frightful tale of a lion attack during a night safari, offering Buyi another glimpse of the dangers within his new, untamed home.
Chapter 12 unfolds with Buyi and André returning to the lodge, exhausted and famished from their morning adventure in the veld. Mama Unathi, who had been expecting them, offers them fruit juice as a snack, commenting that no lunch will be provided due to the presence of the reserve's owner, Mr. Dreyer. Upon André's invitation, the two decide to swim in the pool, despite Buyi's initial fear of encountering crocodiles. As they traverse the luxurious camp with its stylish buildings and tents, they see antelopes grazing, known as the rooibokke, highlighting more of the local fauna. Their swim is refreshing and playful, but is interrupted by the arrival of André's father Johan, Themba, and a tracker, who have been unsuccessful in locating the lion due to heavy rains. Themba instructs Buyi and André to stay out of trouble and away from the tourists arriving from Japan. Their restful afternoon continues in comparison to last night's terrifying event involving Lwazi and a lion. When they visit Lwazi in his chalet, he recounts his horrifying encounter with the lion during a night safari. The animal had been provoked to attack a tourist who accidentally dropped his camera outside the vehicle. Lwazi intervened, ending up with the lion's teeth sunk into his shoulder before Johan's gunshot scared the lion away, leaving Lwazi with minimal injuries but profound trauma.
In hoofstuk 12, geniet Buyi en André tyd in die swembad, terwyl hulle waarsku is oor Japannese toeriste en veld veiligheid. Hulle besoek Lwazi, wat hulle vertel hoe 'n leeu hom tydens 'n nagsafari aangeval het - 'n intense herinnering aan die wildernis se gevare.
In hoofstuk 12, bly die seuns, Buyi en André, vir die res van die oggend in die veld tot hulle terugkeer weens honger. Wanneer hulle terugkrys na die hoofgebou, kry Mama Unathi vir hulle vrugtesap want daar is geen middagete vanweë die teenwoordigheid van die eienaar van Isigubhu, wat nie hou daarvan dat sy mense voed wat nie betaal nie. André stel voor om te gaan swem. Buyi het nog nooit 'n swembad besoek in jare en is onseker of André na 'n swembad of 'n rivier vol krokodille verwys. Na 'n bevestiging dat dit 'n swembad is, bring hulle tyd deur in die swembad, speel in die water en geniet hulleself. Buyi en André se vaders arriveer saam met 'n spoorsnyer en waarsku die seuns om uit die veld te bly en nie die aankomende Japannese toeriste te pla nie. Buyi en André besoek Lwazi in sy chalet, waar hy herstel van 'n leeu-aanval. Lwazi vertel die seuns oor die gebeure van die vorige aand, toe 'n leeu hom aangeval het tydens 'n nagsafari. Lwazi het sy geweer getrek maar wou dit nie gebruik nie - hy wou nie die leeu doodmaak net omdat dit skrik vir 'n man wat die wildtuin se reëls oortree het nie. Die leeu het hom aangeval, sy tande in sy skouer gesink en is weggejaag deur 'n skoot van Johan. Vreeslike besluit Buyi, dit is 'n skrikwekkende en verbasende herinnering aan die gevaar van die wildernis.