Leeus met Ietsels (Fanie Viljoen) Chapter 10 Summary
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Buyi’s fear of the game reserve intensifies after Lwazi’s lion attack. Despite unease, he takes small steps towards integrating into local culture with the help of André and Mama Unathi. André educates him about the reserve's segregated camps, foreshadowing future struggles in Buyi's South African journey.
In Chapter 10 of "Leeus met Ietsels", Buyi copes with a series of shocks and attempts to adjust to his life in the South African game reserve. After waking from a disturbed sleep marked by unsettling dreams, Buyi is informed by André (one of the locals) that Lwazi, another local, was attacked by a lion during a night safari. However, Lwazi survives the attack and is expected to leave the hospital shortly. This news considerably agitates Buyi, who cowers at the thought of being in proximity to such dangerous wildlife, despite André's attempt to dismiss the incident as a thrilling occurrence. During a visit to Mama Unathi's kitchen, Buyi and André share a meal of mieliepap, a traditional South African dish. Amid the communal setting of the kitchen and the comfort of the filling meal, Buyi experiences a moment of connection with the local culture, prompting him to attempt pronunciation of several isiZulu phrases under the encouraging direction of Mama Unathi. However, despite these small steps towards assimilation, Buyi's fear of the wildlife still looms large. André, performing the role of an informal guide, provides Buyi with a brief overview of the segregation of the reserve into three camps: Izolo, Namhlanje, and Kusasa, and cautions about the potential dangers housed within each. The chapter concludes with lingering uncertainties and challenges for Buyi in his newfound surroundings, and a looming, albeit gradual, adaptation to the South African wildlife reserve.
In hoofstuk 10 navigeer Buyi 'n gespanne huis na Lwazi se leeu-aanval. André onthul die gebeurtenisse, verligting voel Buyi. Ondanks sy misnoë word hy deur André oortuig om die dag in die wildreservaat deur te bring, terwyl hy die plaaslike eten en taal leer.
In Hoofstuk 10, na die gebeurtenisse van die vorige nag, is daar 'n gespanne atmosfeer in die huis van Themba en Buyi. Hulle gesprekke is kort en ongemaklik, met Buyi wat bekommerd is oor Themba se bloedbevlekte voorkoms en vrae oor wat presies gebeur het. Themba, egter, ontwyk die onderwerp en stuur Buyi kamer toe. Later word die raaisel deur André, 'n plaaslike jong seun, opgelos. Hy storm onverwags in en kondig aan dat Simoshile, 'n ander plaaslike, se pa, Lwazi, die vorige nag deur 'n leeu aangeval is tydens 'n nagsafari met toeriste. Dit verduidelik die bloed op Themba se klere. Volgens André is Lwazi in 'n goeie toestand en in die hospitaal. Hy verwag dat Lwazi vandag sal terugkeer en eensklaps maak die gebeure van die vorige nag sin vir Buyi. Ondanks die benouende atmosfeer en nuus oor 'n mensvreter-leeu, is André opgewonde en stel voor dat hulle die dag in die wildreservaat, verdeel in drie kampe (Izolo, Namhlanje en Kusasa), deurbring. Buyi stem effens onwillig toe na'n bietjie oortuiging. Hulle ontmoet Mama Unathi, 'n plaaslike kombuishulp, vir ontbyt en Buyi maak kennis met 'n gereg genaamd "mieliepap", wat hy onverwags geniet. Hy probeer ook sy kennis van isiZulu, 'n plaaslike taal, uitbrei deur 'n paar eenvoudige woorde en frases aan te leer. Hy voel nogtans onrustig oor die moontlikheid van 'n ontmoeting met 'n leeu in die wildreservaat.