• Journal Types and Source Documents
    • CJ
      • Original invoice
        • This is the document we receive when purchasing goods on credit 
    • CPJ
      • Check and check counterfoil
        • A cheque is a written instruction to pay a specific person an amount of money
          • This is from a current/cheque account
        • The cheque is issued to the person being payed
        • The cheque counterfoil is the proof of transaction, kept by the business.
      • Bank statement (same as in CRJ)
        • A bank statement is issued by the bank to the holder of the account at the end of the month.
        • It reflects all transactions that took place in that account, within a specified time.
    • PCJ
      • Petty cash voucher
        • A petty cash voucher is when you exchange money for vouchers at which you can use at any time 
    • CRJ
      • Bank statement
        • A bank statement is issued by the bank to the holder of the account at the end of the month.
        • It reflects all transactions that took place in that account, within a specified time.
      • Cash Invoice
        • This is the same as a CRR but it has more detail
        • It is issued when a business sells a few items a day or provides a service for cash
      • Cash Register Roll
        • Slip that is given to you when you purchase at a till
          • Till slip
        • Proof of purchase
        • There is a second one that is kept for the owner
        • At the end of the day there is a summary printed from the till of the total of the day’s sales
        • This includes all purchase payed with…
          • Check
          • Cash
          • Credit Card
          • Voucher
      • Duplicate receipt
        • Dressed to a specific person oir business
        • A receipt is issued when the business receives money for capital from people that owe money
          • Debtors
        • Original vs. Duplicate 
          • The customer always gets the original
          • The business keeps the duplicate
      • Bank deposit slip
        • A deposit slip is completed whenever money is deposited INTO the businesses bank account
        • The bank keeps the original 
        • The business keeps the duplicate as confirmation that the money was deposited 
    • DJ
      • Duplicate invoice
        • Invoice means credit
          • This invoice is for credit sales
        • You give the original to people that owe you money
          • These people become your debtors
    • CAJ
      • Duplicate debit note
        • This is linked with CREDITORS CONTROL
        • The business issues a debit note when…
          • It returns an un-satisfactory product to their creditor
          • When it requests an allowance from their creditor as they are not satisfied with their product
    • DAJ
      • Duplicate credit note
        • This is used for allowances and returns
        • It is not possible for anyone to receive an original credit note
        • The business gives a credit note because…
          • When it agrees to accept goods returned by the debtor
          • When it gives the debtor an allowance because they were not satisfied with the product


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