Fiela se kind (Dalene Matthee) Chapter 4 Summary
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Chapter 4 sees Fiela's fears about the census officials fading. She shifts her attention to improving her ostrich farm, particularly encouraging mating between Skopper and Pollie. Meanwhile, Benjamin subsists in blissful ignorance. Fiela's hopes swell with Pollie's readiness to mate, a diversion from her previous anxieties.
In chapter 4, the narrative time progresses from February to April. Fiela's initial constant anxiety over a potential government intervention gradually lessens. While she remains vigilant for any surprises, Fiela gets increasingly involved in everyday life activities and plans. One day, Selling, her husband, tries to console her by saying that the officials won't return. The chapter gives glimpses of the family's attempts to domesticate an ostrich hen called Pollie. As March ends, they plan on setting the ostriches free on the fields; Fiela assigns family members to monitor the ostriches. Regarding Benjamin, Fiela continues to hold her ground against any possibility of him being the lost child Lukas while Benjamin, oblivious to this, keeps himself occupied with childhood games. Fiela's focus then shifts towards getting their ostrich, Skopper, to mate with Pollie to increase her ostrich farm. In her discussion with Selling, we learn about her ambition of acquiring more land for farming. Meanwhile, she strategizes methods of getting Skopper and Pollie to mate, including feeding them a special substance obtained from a farmer in Oudtshoorn. By the end of the chapter, Fiela's worries about any impending government intervention temporarily fade when Benjamin rushes home to inform them about Pollie's "dancing", a sign that she might be ready for mating. With Pollie's readiness and Happy and safe Benjamin, Fiela anticipates the future optimistically.
In Hoofstuk 4 voel Fiela 'n ligting toe regeringsbeamptes nie terugkeer nie. Sy, Selling en Benjamin besorg oor Pollie, hul volstruis. Fiela sorg vir Pollie, hoop vir 'n suksesvolle veeroes vir ekonomiese groei. Benjamin se vreugde wanneer Pollie dans, verlig Fiela se bekommernis oor sy veiligheid.
In hoofstuk 4 ervaar Fiela 'n ligting van haar gespannenheid. Sy begin vermoed dat die regering se beamptes nie meer terugkom nie. Gedurende hierdie tyd het Fiela en Selling hulle volstruis, Pollie, op die plaas gehou. Met Maartmaand se vollemaan word Pollie uit die kamp gehaak en saam met die ander volstruise die veld ingestuur. Gedurende die dag bespied Fiela nog steeds die lang stofpad vir die terugkeer van die beamptes. Haar wreedheid vir Pollie word uitvergroot toe Benjamin begin vra om saam te werk om na Pollie om te sien. Fiela argumente dat Benjamin nie luister nie en homself in gevaar stel. Fiela se obsessie met die versorging van Pollie, toon haar begeerte om 'n suksesvolle oes van vere te hê om by te dra tot die ekonomiese groei van hul plaas. Die hoofstuk eindig met 'n onverwagse oomblik van vreugde toe Benjamin huistoe hol en skree: "Die wyfie dans!" Dit beteken dat Pollie óf gelukkig is, óf kloeks. Hierdie ervaring ontlas Fiela se kommer oor Benjamin se veiligheid... kortliks.