Fiela se kind (Dalene Matthee) Chapter 26 Summary

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Chapter 26 centers Lukas' diligent work under Kaliel for access to a pilot boat. Despite setbacks, Lukas focuses on nautical knowledge, eager to reconnect with his life as Benjamin. Meanwhile, his concern for the rebellious Nina deepens as news of their brother Dawid's death triggers fresh homesickness and heightened identity crisis.


Chapter 26 finds Benjamin (referred to as Lukas Van Rooyen) laboring industriously for Kaliel from dawn until dusk, driven by his urge to gain the right to ride in a pilot boat and thus work his way back home. Despite being warned to stay away from the launching spot, Lukas couldn't resist observing the boats and their crews. The colorful narration highlights his sharp senses and keen observational skills; he observes the nuances of navigating the vessel, the timing of the tides, the strategy of the rowers, and the particular way in which they approach the treacherous gap in the local reefs. Kaliel continuously taunts Lukas for his naivety, reminding him of the dangerous nature of the sea. However, all these only seem to further motivate Lukas' determination to learn and master the sea. Amidst his chores, Lukas learns the names of various landmarks and the direction of winds by heart, showing his quick adaptation to his surrounding environment. Meanwhile, the younger Van Rooyens are also defining their identities. Nina, labelled as agitated and defiant, comes across as the most rebellious of the children. A subplot suggests that Nina, mistaken by Kaliel for a ghost, has returned to the locality due to her past connection with John Benn, a seaman. On learning this, Lukas expresses relief regarding his sister's return, thinking she might, in a way, justify his absence back home, adding another layer to the complex family dynamics. In this part of Chapter 26, Benjamin, referred to as Lukas Van Rooyen, continues his daily toil for Kaliel while his mind remains occupied with thoughts of his sister, Nina Van Rooyen. After meeting with Book, Lukas searches for Nina until sundown, grappling with frustration and concern for his sister’s wellbeing. Despite repeatedly considering to stop, his affection for Nina drives him to extend his search. Meanwhile, Lukas is keenly aware of a ship in the mist, speculating about its clandestine nature. Returning home after an unsuccessful search, he encounters Nina at Coney Glen, stirring unfamiliar feelings within him. Their reunion is marked by relief and warmth, marred by Lukas’ guilt and confusion regarding his complex emotions towards his sister. She reveals she’s working as a 'companion' for Miss Weatherbury, which somewhat alleviates Lukas' anxiety. The following day, Lukas, still engulfed in confusion and doubt regarding his feelings for his sister, visits John Benn. During their conversation, Lukas verifies his mystery ship sighting from the day before. The encounter further deepens Lukas’ internal strife, as he is persistently troubled by his identity and his true relationship with Nina. In the final part of Chapter 26 of 'Fiela se kind', Benjamin, known as Lukas Van Rooyen, is brought back to reality by John Benn's voice questioning his alertness. John instructs Lukas to fetch Book Platsie and Joop Stoep to help take his boat through the misty seas after sighting an anchored ship. This revelation rouses hope within Lukas, whose eagerness to earn a place on the pilot boat grows. It becomes a chance for Lukas to claim his identity as Benjamin again should Kaliel, the regular rower, fail to show up. Unfortunately, Lukas' excitement proves short-lived as Kaliel returns from the town, blocking his path to seize the opportunity. With his dreams crushed, Lukas encounters Nina in a beautifully adorned black scarf, bringing the information that a man from Lange Kloof named Latjie was looking for Benjamin Komoetie. Latjie, supposedly a messenger from their past life in Lange Kloof, brought the news of his brother Dawid's death. This tragic revelation sets Lukas' heart sinking further into confusion and grief, intensifying his identity struggle.


In Hoofstuk 26, roei Lukas obsessief vir 'n plek op Kaliel se loodsboot. Hy bly gespanne oor sy verhouding met sy suster, Nina, en ontdek sy veilige situasie by Miss Weatherbury. Hartseer nuus oor sy broer Dawid se dood skud hom egter tot in sy siel.


In Hoofstuk 26 werp Lukas verwoed vir Kaliel van ligdag tot skemeraand in die hoop dat hy 'n plek op die loodsboot kan verdien. Kaliel, egter, is vasbeslote om Lukas weg te hou van Seinkop en John Benn. Hy verskoon Lukas van afgunsigheid en lewendige ambisie, ondanks Lukas se volgehoue pogings om homself te bewys. Lukas is verlore in die droom van roei op 'n loodsboot, sy sensasies kom saam met elke beweging en bevel van die boottyd. Kaliel waarsku Lukas oor die gevare van roei, insluitend die behoefte om die patroon van die branders te lees en om op die wag te wees vir rotspunte en rugbranders. Lukas word aangebied om al die roeiers van die loodsboot, sowel as die skepe wat kom en gaan, te leer ken. Hy leer ook om die natuurlike kenmerke en patronie van die weer te ken. Lukas se verhouding met Kaliel bly strydig terwyl Lukas probeer om homself te bewys en Kaliel Lukas se pogings met minagting behandel. Teen Junie het Lukas al die vaardighede wat nodig is om 'n competente seeman te word, verwerf. Hy wonder egter oor sy suster Nina se lot nadat hy hoor dat sy gesien is op die rotse naby die skuit. Lukas besluit om te gaan soek na haar, saam met 'n gevoel van verpligting om na sy jonger suster om te sien. In Hoofstuk 26 (vervolg) soek Lukas vir sy suster Nina nadat hy gehoor het dat sy naby die skuit gesien is. Hy soek tot sononder en voel verwarde gevoelens – kwaadheid en sorg om sy suster. Lukas ontdek dat Nina by Miss Weatherbury werk en besluit om sy eie pad vol te hou na die loodsboot, ondanks sy sorge vir Nina. Tydens die soeke sien Lukas ’n spookskip deur die mis, wat sy vrees en nuuskierigheid prikkel. Na 'n ontmoeting met Nina, ontstaan daar 'n onverklaarbare jaloesie en verwarring in Lukas aangesien hy begin om onseker te wees oor hul familieverband. Nina onthul dat sy nou 'n geselskap is by Miss Weatherbury, en Lukas voel verlig dat sy in 'n veilige plek is. Die volgende dag, in die dik mis, ontmoet Lukas weer John Benn. Hulle bespreek die moontlike spookskip wat Lukas gesien het, en Lukas deel sy onsekerheid oor sy gevoelens vir Nina. Hy worstel met die moontlikheid dat hy en Nina dalk nie biologiese broer en suster is nie. Hy vind egter geen antwoorde in sy soektog nie, wat hom meer gefrustreerd en verward laat. In die derde deel van Hoofstuk 26 gaan Lukas voort met sy soeke na sy suster, Nina. Hy stuit op 'n onbekende skip wat naby die Black Rocks voor anker lê. Sy verstand ruk hom tot die werklikheid: Kaliel het sy alles gewy aan sy plek op die loodsboot, en hy was nie gereed om te roei nie. Lukas kom by die skuit en vind slegs Kaliel daar, wat sy vroeë terugkeer na 'n misverstand oor weervoorspelling toelig. Ondertussen begin John Benn roep na die ander roeiers om die skip te rig. Lukas kry uiteindelik Nina raak in die pad. Sy is fraai aangetrek en dra 'n belangrike boodskap oor - 'n man genaamd Latjie van Petrus het hom gesoek om te vertel dat sy broer, Dawid, dood is. Hierdie nuus tref Lukas soos 'n skokgolf, die dood van sy broer Dawid weergalm in sy kop en druk met gewig op sy hart. Die hoofstuk eindig op hierdie ontstelde en seermaak notitie.

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