Fiela se kind (Dalene Matthee) Chapter 25 Summary
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Chapter 25: Distraught Elias channels anger through labor, vowing to reclaim defiant children, Lukas and Nina. To resume forest work, Elias plans to avoid elephants using boegoe, dung, and mud mix, suggested by an elder, Hans. This risky tactic hints at Elias's desperate hope for family reunion.
Chapter 25 sees Elias van Rooyen wrestling with his anger over the actions of his children, Lukas (Benjamin) and Nina, who have defied him and his authority. Overwhelmed by fury, Elias channels his rancor into the cathartic act of chopping down beams. Hearing of others trampled to death by their anger, as reported by Barta, Elias is frightened into seeking a way to vent his wrath without harm. Despite his disappointments - especially with Lukas, whom Elias held in high regard - Elias refuses to be defeated. After Nina, unexpectedly appearing, announces Lukas’ decision not to return, Elias formulates a plan to reclaim his defiant children. Elias anticipates that Lukas, no longer able to resist the work ethos instilled in him, and Nina, in need of employment, will eventually return home. Meanwhile, Elias decides to face his fear of the elephants using an ancestral trick suggested by an old man, Hans. At the cost of ten gold coins, Hans advises Elias to mask his scent with an uncommon mix of the herb “boegoe”, elephant dung, and mud to avoid detection. A risky strategy to be sure, but one which offers Elias freedom from his self-imposed isolation on the island and propels him towards reuniting his splintered family. Thus, Elias concludes the chapter making preparations for what lies ahead, collecting the ingredients he needs, and readying himself to bring his children back to their rightful home.
In Hoofstuk 25 worstel Elias met sy toorn en sisteem vir sy vermiste kinders, Lukas en Nina. Hy maak 'n plan om hulle te soek, verberg sy geur om onopgemerkt in die Bos te beweeg. Met suksesvolle voorbereiding glo hy hoopvol om beheer te neem oor sy lot.
Hoofstuk 25 begin met Elias se toorn wat hy probeer tem, terwyl hy nog steeds reël oor die verdwyning van sy kinders, Lukas en Nina. Sy wrok hardloop so diep dat hy met toewyding werk in sy ambag, maar hy is ook bewus van die invloed wat sy toorn op sy gesondheid kan hê. Hy beskik oor Kristoffel, en gebruik hom as sy eie handlanger. Tog is Elias se wrok ook teen die feit dat sy kinders by hom weggehardloop het. Hy sat dat hy 'n plan het om hulle terug te bring en beskou homself nie as 'n slagoffer nie, maar as 'n man met 'n plan. Hy besluit om na hulle te gaan soek, maar is ook ongemaklik oor die moontlikheid van volwassenes. Daarom, op aanbeveling van een van sy vriende, volg hy 'n aloue stammetode om sy eie geur te verberg, wat hom toelaat om onopgemerkt deur die bos te beweeg. Na sommige aanvanklike onsuksesvolle pogings slaag hy daar uiteindelik in om alles saam te stel en sy plan in werking te stel. Elias voel vir die eerste keer in jare dat hy eindelik in beheer is van sy eie lot. Dit gee hom hoop dat hy sy kinders, Lukas en Nina, sal kan terugbring.