Fiela se kind (Dalene Matthee) Chapter 23 Summary
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Chapter 23 sees Lukas embarking on a mission to retrieve his missing sister, Nina, from town. Despite distractions, including a ghost ship at Noetzie, he locates Nina and communicates his discontent, expressing intentions to sever ties with their forest life, highlighting his determination to reclaim identity as Benjamin.
Chapter 23 presents Lukas reluctantly embarking on a mission, as mandated by his parents Elias and Barta, to locate and retrieve his sister Nina, who had been serving as a maid in town but has recently disappeared. Although Lukas wishes to stay away from town, the familial and financial pressures – which are rooted in Elias's need for Nina's income to invest in new firearms and Lukas's own desire for forestry tools – compel him to undertake the task. Nina had always been rebellious, often disappearing, causing unrest among the family members. Lukas resents the burden, holding the belief that she should be left to her own fate. During his journey, he contemplates his life, past and future, with the forest around him offering some level of comfort. His attachment to the forest is quite evident, reflecting a transformation that started from the time he was rechristened as Lukas from being Benjamin. On reaching the outskirts of town, to his surprise, he notices a flurry of activity on the roads, with townsfolk moving in different directions, indicative of some unusual happening. Despite the unpredictability, Lukas remains determined to find out the whereabouts of Nina. In the second part of Chapter 23, Lukas is confused by the rush of people towards an alleged ghost ship at Noetzie, unable to understand what is taking place. Regardless, he feels a pull to this mysterious event rather than proceeding to the town as planned. On seeking directions to Noetzie, something within him urges him forward and he deviates from his mission. The longer Lukas treads the track to the south, the closer he gets to the sea and the more he feels estranged from his usual surroundings. Reaching his destination, Lukas is awestruck looking at the large three-masted ship stranded among the rocks, its sails hanging lifelessly. He perceives an odd connection with the deserted ship, and a forgotten childhood thrill resonates within him. As dusk falls, he is accompanied by an uneasy Field Cornet Armstrong, who is worried about the break-down of the ship and possible scavengers. The two take turns to keep a watch, allowing Lukas to admire the nocturnal backdrop of endless stars and echoing sea waves. He nostalgically recalls his sister, Nina's belief in wishing upon a shooting star but struggles to articulate a wish himself, although ideating about reviving the ship. As dawn breaks, Lukas resolves to resume his journey to the town, leaving behind the field cornet awaiting the arrival of a rescue team for the stranded ship. Continuing his quest for Nina in Chapter 23, Lukas, directed by an old man in town, ventures towards Melkhoutkraal which may now be Nina's workplace. A sense of hesitation takes him over at the real possibility of confronting Nina. He finds the mansion overseen by Miss Weatherbury, an English lady, who confirms that a girl named Nina in her employ claims to be an orphan from Lange Kloof. Lukas assures the lady of his true relation and unfolds Nina's fictive tale absorbed from another's life. Acknowledging Nina's obstinacy, he pledges his regular visits to ensure her propriety, despite realizing the Van Rooyens interest in Nina's income. He stumbles upon an unnerving discriminatory sentiment against the forest dwellers among the town folk. Finding Nina gone to the shipwreck at Noetzie, he waits, lost in transitory reflective sleep before resuming his vigil in the morning. Waiting gets weary, and an excursion around the nearby lake lands offers consolation where familiar sights and sounds reminds him of his home in the woods, strengthening his belief in pulling Nina away from the forest's allure. With no appearance of Nina yet, Lukas's patience continues to be tested in his quest to reunite his lost sister with his family. In the final part of Chapter 23 from 'Fiela se kind', Lukas continues his search for his sister Nina, amidst the spectacle of a large ship navigating through a perilous, narrow strait between the towering cliffs, an occurrence that sparks a range of emotions within him. Driven by a peculiar fascination, Lukas follows a pre-worn path towards the cliffs, observing the ship’s slow ascent over the swells and the agile movements of the sailors. Subsequently, Lukas witnesses a man, initially mistaken as a solitary watcher, communicate with the ship through a unique flapping of flags, transitioning into a rowboat that heads towards the vessel. Throughout the process, Lukas remains a silent observer, fighting against an inexplicable yearning stirred within him by the sight of the ship. Finally returning to his quest, Lukas reunites with an unyielding Nina at Miss Weatherbury's residence, who asserts her independence and refusal to share her earnings with their father Elias, alluding to simmering familial tensions. Despite Nina's hostility, Lukas, too, harbors a favor to ask of her. In this final piece of Chapter 23, Lukas has a pivotal conversation with Nina during their unexpected reunion. Lukas recalls the times he has protected Nina, kept her secrets, and assisted her in their difficult life in the forest. Hoping his past actions might compel her to aid him now, he requests her help. Despite the underlying tension, Lukas finally unveils his profound discontent with his life as it is and boldly asks Nina to deliver a message to their father, Elias. He asserts his intention not to return to the forest, definitively severing ties with his forced life. This dramatic claim underscores Lukas's deep desire for liberation and his growing resolution to reclaim his true identity as Benjamin of the ostrich farm, marking a monumental shift in his internal turmoil.
In Hoofstuk 23, soek Lukas sy suster, Nina, in 'n onbekende dorp op bevel van sy vader, Elias. Onderweg word hy gefassineer deur 'n gestrande spookskip. Hy ontmoet Nina by Miss Weatherbury se huis, waar hulle 'n gespanne gesprek voer oor hul onderskeie lotgevalle.
In Hoofstuk 23, Lukas (Benjamin) voer 'n opdrag uit op aandrang van sy pa, Elias van Rooyen: hy moet sy suster, Nina, wie in die dorp gewerk het, opspoor en terugbring. Lukas aarzel om hierdie taak te aanvaar, veral omdat die dorp vreemd is vir hom en sy suster dikwels wegbly. Ondanks sy onwilligheid, volg hy sy ouers se instruksies en begin sy reis na die dorp. Onderweg, oordink Lukas sy nuwe lewe in die Bos, die komplekse verhoudinge tussen hom, Nina en die Van Rooyens, en sy onseker toekoms. Hy voel 'n groeiende verlange na Wolwekraal, sy vroeëre tuiste, maar verstaan ook die noodsaaklikheid om sy nuwe posisie in die Van Rooyen-huishouding te aanvaar. Hy dink oor Elias se see-politiek om hul finansiële situasie te verbeter, insluitend die potensiële koop van 'n geweer om olifante te jag. Wanneer Lukas 'n groot groep mense sien, wat beide uit die dorp kom en daarna toe gaan, besluit hy om te wag en kyk wat aangaan. Hy besef dat hierdie dorp mense baie verskil van die mense in die Bos. Hy weet dat hy hom moet voorberei op 'n totaal nuwe omgewing en uitdagings wat voorlê. In die volgende deel van Hoofstuk 23 ontdek Lukas (Benjamin) dat daar 'n spookskip by Noetzie - 'n plek waarvan hy voorheen onbewus was - is. Die nuus plok hom en hy begeer om te ondersoek instede van sy oorspronklike roeping om sy suster Nina in die dorp op te soek te volg. Hy besluit om sy reis te ondervra, omgedraai suid en voeg by 'n tref van opgewonde dorpelingen wat na die stranding skip haas. Met aankoms by die see, was Lukas oorweldig deur sy eerste bekendstelling daaraan. Hy was verstom deur die vooraanstaande visioen van die onveranderd skip, wat vasgevang was tussen die rotse. Dit roep verlore herinneringe in hom op, en ondanks dat dit gedurende die nag was, bly hy om die gebeurtenisse gade te slaan en gevang te raak in die majestueise, maar beangstigende sig van die maroonde skip. Gedurende die nag ontmoet hy veldkornet Armstrong wat die skip bewaak. Armstrong is gespanne en ongemaklik, uitgeput deur die bedreiging van potensiële plunderaars wat dalk die skip gedurende die nag sal benader. Lukas bied aan om te help bewaak, wat Armstrong dankbaar aanvaar. Terwyl wag, besin Lukas oor sy huidige toestand en raak verlore in die ruimte, tyd, en die ongewone prentjie van die spookskip. Hy voel 'n vreemde vryheid, 'n ligtheid in sy wese, asof hy van sy laste ontslae raak. Met die aanbreek van die dag, was die spookskip steeds vas in sy onheilspellende posisie. Lukas besluit om sy reis voort te sit, nie tevrede nie om langer te bly ondanks Armstrong se pleidooie. Hy het 'n verlangen om vorentoe te beweeg, om sy oorspronklike missie om Nina te vind voort te sit. In die derde deel van Hoofstuk 23, stoot Lukas sy soeke na sy suster, Nina, op om die gestrande spookskip by Noetzie na te jaag. Hy ontmoet 'n plaaslike inwoner, 'n ou man, wat hom inlig oor sy suster se moontlike werksplek - by 'n Engelse dame genaamd Miss Weatherbury op 'n plaas genaamd Melkhoutkraal. Ondanks verneem van Nina se nuutste vriendskappe en werksplek, is Lukas tog deur gemengde gevoelens verwar, veral oor hoe om Nina te hanteer as hy haar vind. Lukas ontmoet Miss Weatherbury, wat hom informeer dat Nina hom beweer het sy het geen familie nie. Lukas dring egter aan dat hy haar broer is en hy is daar om haar te vind. Nadat hy beloof het aan Miss Weatherbury dat hy sal wag tot Nina terugkeer, doen hy dit en oorpeins verder sy situasie. In die vierde deel van Hoofstuk 23, betree Lukas die stad op soek na sy suster, Nina. Hy word gefasineer deur die aktiwiteit by die hawe, waar 'n skip besig is om te anker. Die skip voer 'n reeks vlae, en 'n man op die strand reageer deur sy eie vlae te hijs. Lukas begryp nie die betekenis van die vlae nie, maar besef dat dit 'n vorm van kommunikasie is. Die skuit, waarop die mense op die klippe gewag het, roei uit na die skip. 'n Man klim aan boord van die skip, wat dan die hawe indryf. Later ontmoet Lukas Nina by die huis van Miss Weatherbury. Sy reageer vinnig en waarsku hom om nie aan hul ouers te vertel waar sy is nie, uit vrees dat sy verplig sal word om haar inkomste met hulle te deel. Lukas, onthutst deur haar sterk reaksie, stel haar gerus deur te sê hy het eintlik gekom om haar 'n guns te vra, waarna sy uit vraag of hy miskien siek is. In die finale deel van Hoofstuk 23, vind 'n pynlike gesprek tussen Lukas en sy suster, Nina, plaas. Nina, wat nou in 'n gesogte posisie by Miss Weatherbury werk, smeek Lukas om nie aan hul ouers te vertel waar sy is nie. Sy is bang dat sy mag verplig word om haar inkomste met hulle te deel. Lukas, getraumatiseer deur sy suster se vinnige reaksie en duidelik veranderde gedrag, probeer haar gerusstel deur te sê dat hy eintlik gekom het om haar 'n guns te vra. In 'n verrassende wending, pleit Lukas by sy suster om voorspraak te doen by hul ouers oor sy onwil om na die Bos terug te keer. Hy vra haar om aan hul pa te gaan sê dat hy nie terugkeer na die Bos nie en dat hy klaar is met daardie lewe. Die kompleksiteit van sy gevoelens en die moeilikheid van sy situasie word verder verduidelik in hierdie versoeke, wat die hoofstuk sluit op die drempel van onsekerheid oor die toekomstige gebeurtenisse.