Fiela se kind (Dalene Matthee) Chapter 21 Summary
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Chapter 21: Elias, fearing elephants, contemplates buying a gun. Optimistic about sons Kristoffel and Lukas maintaining his business, he’s disheartened by Willem’s work plans and Nina’s dishonesty. Economic hardships compound family and business difficulties. Elias yearns to reinstate wood-chopping operations, despite the elephants' threat. Considers raising Nina's wages, signaling financial struggles.
Chapter 21 delves deeper into Elias van Rooyen's life dominated by seclusion due to the fear of elephants and his desire to maintain his wood chopping business. The constant threat of the elephants keeps Elias imprisoned, ideating on purchasing a gun to protect himself and regain his freedom. He considers his sons, Lukas and Kristoffel, as the salvation of his business amidst all adversities. His pride in Kristoffel's hard-working ethics and Lukas' growth into an efficient sombre worker fills him with hope. Yet, he has struggles with his other children; especially Willem's decision to work for a future father-in-law dispirits Elias, while his daughter Nina's dishonest behaviour and disrepute in the town exacerbate his burden. Amidst these personal trials and the looming threat of elephants, Elias aspires to balance his obligations and find some semblance of peace. He senses his dire need to venture back into the forest to re-establish himself, maintain his business and secure his family's future. All the while, he is haunted by the looming threat of elephants, further straining his existence. The chapter ends with Elias contemplating escalating Nina's wages to three shillings, further hinting at the economic struggles he's facing.
In Hoofstuk 21 erken 'n gefrustreerde Elias sy seuns, Lukas en Kristoffel se harde werk terwyl hy deur 'n bedreigende olifant in isolasie gehou word. Sy dogter Nina se werkprobleme versterk sy frustrasie. Hy beplan om 'n geweer te kry om sy vryheid terug te wen.
In Hoofstuk 21 is Elias van Rooyen gefrustreerd oor die isolasie wat deur 'n dreigende olifant op sy plaas veroorsaak word. Hy het reeds twee jaar lank op sy plaas, wat hy as 'n soort tronk beskou, vasgekeer. Gedurende hierdie tydperk het Elias sy seun Lukas gevra om hom by sy werk te help. Elias oorweeg dit om 'n geweer te bekom om die olifant te jaag, sodat hy die bedreiging kan elimineer en weer sy vryheid kan hê. Tussendeur dit, bewonder Elias sy twee seuns, Lukas en Kristoffel, vir hul harde werk en toewyding aan hul verantwoordelikhede. Lukas het oorspronklik weerstand gebied om by die Van Rooyens te wees, maar het uiteindelik aangepas en sy plek in die gesin ingeneem. Kristoffel is ook bekwaam in sy werk en Elias voorstel dat hy een dag sy eie houtkapspan sal hê. Ongelukkig het Elias se dogter, Nina, nie dieselfde ingesteldheid getoon nie. Onlangs het sy moeilikheid op haar werk op die dorp veroorsaak en is terug na die huis gestuur. Alhoewel sy uiteindelik weer werk gekry het, is haar loon verlaag na slegs 'n halfkroon per week. Hierdie nuus voeg addisionele frustrasie by Elias se reeds uitdagende lewe. Hy hoop dat hy binnekort weer self die dorp kan besoek om 'n beter loon vir haar te onderhandel. Die hoofstuk eindig met Elias wat nog meer ongelukkig is oor sy huidige situasie.