Fiela se kind (Dalene Matthee) Chapter 18 Summary

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Chapter 18 emphasizes Fiela's resistance against Petrus's claims of Benjamin's peaceful adjustment with the Van Rooyens. Despite his warnings and potential legal consequences, Fiela asserts her maternal confidence that Benjamin belongs with her. Her unyielding commitment to her son heightens the emotional tension.


Chapter 18 begins with the arrival of the winter rain which lasts for three days. At Wolwekraal, there's a lot to do. Skopper, their ostrich, undergoes a change, his beak and legs beginning to redden, signifying a shift in behavior. Amid all of these, Fiela imposes new rules around the farm, primarily to aid the mating season of their ostriches. When asked whether the ostriches would have babies by the time Benjamin returns, Fiela's response alludes to the uncertainty surrounding Benjamin's homecoming. Petrus, delayed by the rain, finally departs. The arduously long wait results in heightened expectations on his return. However, when Petrus arrives without Benjamin, their hopes dissipate. He confirms his meeting with Mr. Goldsbury, the magistrate, and asserts that Benjamin is adjusting well to his new life with his 'birth parents', the Van Rooyen family. Despite Fiela's vehement disapproval, Petrus insists there's no doubt that Benjamin belongs with his true parents. Fiela, fueled by disbelief and frustration, disputes Petrus's words and insists she must explain the situation to Benjamin herself. Petrus urges Fiela to leave Benjamin be, reasoning that Benjamin is resilient and can adapt to her new circumstances. Fiela remains unconvinced by Petrus's assertions, primarily because he hasn't seen Benjamin himself. As the chapter concludes, Fiela is warned to cease interfering, else legal trouble may ensue. Despite this, Fiela remains resolute in her conviction that Benjamin is truly her son, setting a tense tone for the chapters to come.


In Hoofstuk 18, terwyl Wolwekraal voorberei vir volstruisbroeiseisoen, soek Fiela steeds na Benjamin. Petrus, gestuur na Knysna, keer sonder Benjamin terug. Hy meld dat Benjamin by die Van Rooyens aangepas. Nog ontmoediging tref Fiela: 'n perdkonstabel waarsku haar teen meer bemoeienis.


In hoofstuk 18 begin die winterreën en dit word beskryf hoe die na-reën begeerte uit die aarde opskiet. Fiela en haar gesin op Wolwekraal, is besig met voorbereidings in verwagting van die volstruisbroeiseisoen. Fiela stel nuwe reëls vir die plaaswerf en haar kinders moet die volstruise, Skopper en sy wyfie, met eerbied hanteer. Die bedoeling is om optimale teeldomstandighede te skep. Die verlangen na die terugkeer van Benjamin gemaak met die vraag of die volstruise teen die tyd sal broei. Fiela stuur Petrus na Knysna om met die magistraat oor die aangeleentheid te praat. Petrus se reis duur drie dae, maar hy keer alleen terug. Hy bevestig dat Benjamin goed aangepas het by sy biologiese ouers, die Van Rooyens. Hoewel Petrus nie self Benjamin gesien het nie, sê hy dat die magistraat 'n boswagter gestuur het om te bevestig dat dit goed met die seun gaan. Petrus sê verder dat dit die beste is vir Benjamin om met sy eie mense te wees en dat hy moet aanpas. Fiela is woedend en ontsteld, sy wil na Benjamin gaan om hom te verduidelik wat plaasgevind het. Verdere ontmoediging volg toe 'n perdkonstabel Fiela kom waarsku dat sy sal problem kry as sy enige verdere moeilikheid oor Benjamin maak.

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