Fiela se kind (Dalene Matthee) Chapter 17 Summary
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Chapter 17 unravels Elias's risky scheme to profit from hunting elephants like Oupoot in the Bos. Simultaneously, he hosts an inspection by Forester Kapp of Lukas' (Benjamin’s) living conditions, crafting a façade of adjusted domesticity. Elias's authority over Barta and careful image management underline his strategic maneuvers.
Chapter 17 delves into Elias' ambitious plot to trap elephants, particularly intrigued by their predictable traversing routes through the forest. He envisions crafting an elephant trap that is indistinguishable yet effective, investing time and efforts in its meticulous concealment in hopes of capturing Oupoot, the largest elephant in the Bos. Elias' grand plan for profiteering from elephant tusks hints at his sideline entrepreneurial approach, juxtaposed with his traditional life as a beam-maker. Concurrently, Elias prepares his home for the impending visit of Mr. Kapp, the forester, expected to evaluate Lukas' (Benjamin's) home conditions. A strategic Elias sends Lukas and Nina away, attempting to create an impression of relative normalcy. Barta complies with Elias' staged attempts, despite her nervousness and slight deviation in describing Lukas' adaptability. Their interaction with Mr. Kapp brings in the external perspective, with indications of Fiela's attempts to reclaim Benjamin, therefore emphasizing the protective measures Elias must take. The chapter ends with Elias and Barta's forced optimism toward Lukas' 'growth' and Mr. Kapp departing with a slightly skewed image of the situation. In the continuation of this 17th chapter of 'Fiela se kind' (Fiela's Child), Elias is engaged in conversation with a character we understand to be Mr. Kapp, a part of which pertains to the discussion of the governmental displeasure over capturing blue bucks. Evidently, Elias tries to distance himself from the practice, underscoring his line of work consists of more substantial ventures than hunting small game. With the dialogue edging towards Benjamin's progress, Elias craftily seems to maintain that his supposed son is finally in the right place, assuring the magistrate that Lukas (Benjamin) is thriving. Notably, Elias includes Barta in his expressions of gratitude and appreciation for the help from the magistrate, attempting to create a consensus of adapted domesticity in his household. Upon Kapp's departure, Elias heaves a significant sigh of relief, not because he had something to hide but primarily due to the unpredictable nature of the child now known as Lukas. Elias is keen on keeping his reputation clean with the magistrate, alluding to some covert activities involving elephant tusks he has been planning. His instructions to Barta to prepare supplies for a week indicate an upcoming expedition, presumably linked to elephant tusk acquisition. The subsequent mention of the risk of the forester making an unexpected return raises concern and tension. Barta is tasked with preparing the meat for Elias's trip and appears confused yet compliant. Elias deftly alleviates Barta's concerns of the forester sensing fresh meat nearby or Benjamin inadvertently providing evidence of corporal punishment, indicating Benjamin's absence alongside the forester's fear of the 'bigfoot' forest residents. Elias ends the chapter firmly instructing Barta to prepare the meat, establishing an authoritative tone.
In Hoofstuk 17 oorweeg Elias 'n plan om olifante te vang vir ekstra inkomste. 'n Boswagter kom die Van Rooyens-huis besoek, soek na Lukas, nie daar nie. Elias en Barta bly gespanne oor vra na Lukas se vorige familie en modder die besoek met gesprekke oor houtpryse.
In hoofstuk 17, kry Elias van Rooyen die idee om 'n vanggat vir olifante te graaf met die hoop om hul tande te verkoop vir ekstra inkomste. Hy besef dat olifante dikwels dieselfde paaie in die Bos volg en is seker dat hy een in sy gat sal vang. Terwyl hy sy plan oordink, maak Elias se vrou, Barta, hulle huis skoon vir die boswagter se besoek. Dit is duidelik dat die besoek verband hou met Lukas (voorheen bekend as Benjamin) wat nou by die Van Rooyens woon. Die boswagter is ook daar om seker te maak dat Lukas gelukkig en tevrede is. Wanneer Lukas en sy suster Nina nie tuis is vir die boswagter se besoek nie, bly Elias en Barta gespanne, veral toe die boswagter begin vra na Lukas se verwantskap met sy vorige gesin. Die van Rooyens keer vinnig dat Lukas nog nooit iets oor sy vorige gesin gesê het nie, maar Barta laat val dat hy in die begin van sy verblyf by hulle na hulle verlang het. Om die wedersydse gespannenheid te verlig, verander Elias die onderwerp na die prys van hout en beveel Barta om vir hulle patats voor te sit. Ten spyte van Elias se pogings om die boswagter se besoek te vergemaklik, bly die atmosfeer gespanne en ongemaklik. In die tweede gedeelte van hoofstuk 17, met die boswagter se besoek nader aan sy einde, het daar 'n gesprek plaasgevind tussen Elias van Rooyen en die boswagter oor die Gouna en bloubokjies se jag. Elias keer die gesprek na die welstand van Lukas (voorheen bekend as Benjamin). Hy voer aan dat mister die magistraat kan verseker dat Lukas nou gelukkig is onder sy 'eie mense'. Voor die boswagter vertrek, bedank Elias die magistraat vir alles wat vir hulle gedoen is. Na die boswagter se vertrek, nooi Elias sy vrou, Barta, om kos vir 'n week voor te berei, aangesien hy 'n plan maak om na beter hout vir balkies te soek. Barta is egter bekommerd dat die boswagter kan terugdraai en ruik die vleis in die vuur. Elias stel haar gerus deur te sê dat die boswagter bang is vir die 'grootvoete' (olifante) en dit al te laat is om terug te keer. Uiteindelik, nooi Elias Barta om die vleis in die vuur te kry en sy eis 'n einde aan die gesprek.