Fiela se kind (Dalene Matthee) Chapter 13 Summary

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Chapter 13: Benjamin clings to his identity as Fiela's son, now interacting warily with Nina. He bargains his hidden five shillings with her for a forest route. Amidst forced participation in Elias's work, Benjamin elopes. Elias embarks on a frantic pursuit, fearing repercussions if Benjamin reaches the main road.


In Chapter 13, Benjamin, now called Lukas, lost hope in any immediate rescue, as five days had passed since he was taken from Wolwekraal and three days since he was brought to the bush. He held onto the five shillings he kept hidden in the mattress. Nina, the van Rooyens' daughter, offered to show him a secret if he accompanied her. Distressed, he continued to insist he was Fiela Komoetie’s child, not their lost son Lukas. Despite his objections, he followed Nina into the forest, his fear growing in the unfamiliar surroundings. Nina's eccentric behavior and their playfully aggressive banter marked their journey. On reaching a steep slope, Nina vanished. Fearfully, he called for her but received no response. When she reappeared, she started making music with old bottles she had hidden, claiming them as her own, stolen, or found. She demonstrated how each made a different sound when blown over the top, reflecting her fascination with sounds and their matching elements in nature. However, Benjamin was impatient and anxious, repeated his request for her to show him the way out of the woodlands. Contrary to his hopes, Nina claimed it was still a long walk from their initial path, the 'Kom-se-pad,' to leave the forest, suggesting a further delay in his desired escape. In the continuation of Chapter 13 of 'Fiela se kind', Benjamin, still coerced into accepting the name Lukas, negotiates with Nina over his hidden five shillings, money given to him by his real mother, Fiela, for emergencies. Nina appears intrigued yet suspicious, expressing concern over Elias finding the money. Benjamin proposes that if she helps him exit the forest, he'd tell her where the money is. Nina refuses without proof of his truthfulness. They discuss the value of the money and plans on how to spend it, and Nina eventually agrees to help him find the way out of the forest on the condition of receiving the five shillings. Beginning to see an opportunity for escape, Benjamin agrees. Later, Elias, Nina and Benjamin's supposed father, plans on making Benjamin work with him. He believes that both Benjamin and Nina need to have some sense put into them. He decides that Benjamin could help him in his work of making beams and insists that Benjamin is going to be involved in his illegal elephant trapping business for more money. He also contemplates finding Nina a job in town. Elias's wife, Barta, suggests giving Benjamin more time to adapt, agreeing with the advice of the magistrate, however Elias remains insistent on his plans. In the continuation of Chapter 13, Elias instructs Benjamin (still being called Lukas) to work with Nina, his suggested sister, in the process of preparing lumber. Elias is insistent on integrating Benjamin into his work despite Barta's caution on giving him time to adjust. Elias plans that the children need to take some load off his aging, aching back. He orchestrates a task where Benjamin and Nina have to move a heavy tree stump with wooden lever-like tools, and despite some struggles and protests, they manage to accomplish the task with surprising efficiency. Elias recognizes the additional value of having two more hands assisting him in his work. He envisages Benjamin aiding him in the physically demanding job, and Nina possibly being put to work in town. Meanwhile, Malie, another adult resident in their community, enters the scene and observes Elias's effort to integrate Benjamin into their way of life. She points out Benjamin's lack of interest or enthusiasm about his new environment. Throughout the day, Elias remains watchful and stern, in the process, addressing the mischievous streak in both children. He awaits the return of the children from their tasks, while Malie calls for Elias's attention towards a more considerate treatment of Benjamin. Meanwhile, Elias bristles at the halt in work the children's disappearance caused and impatiently waits to chastise them for their truancy. In the final part of Chapter 13 of 'Fiela se kind', Elias is growing frustrated with the magistrate's instructions on how to treat the rediscovered son, Benjamin, who they insist is their long-lost Lukas. He adamantly believes he is responsible for disciplining Benjamin, despite Barta suggesting they need consent from the magistrate each time they exert authority over him. When both Benjamin and Nina, who were assigned forest work, failed to return, Elias grows impatient. Upon seeing Nina sneak back into the house, he reprimands her harshly, inquiring about Benjamin's whereabouts. Nina explains that Benjamin has run away towards the Deepwalls, using the path known to him from his journey with Elias and Barta from Wolwekraal to the forest. Nina’s revelation of Benjamin's plan stirs considerable consternation, as Elias fears getting in trouble with the magistrate if Benjamin gets lost again. Swiftly, Elias makes preparations to chase down Benjamin before he finds the main road. Barta assists him despite her confusion and rising concern. Elijah’s urgency reflects his determination to bring Benjamin back before the ensuing trouble magnifies, even if it means braving the forest until darkness falls.


In Hoofstuk 13, genoem as Lukas, stry Benjamin teneinde by die Van Rooyens te bly. Nina, Elias se dogter, lok hom dieper in die Bos. Hy val in, en sy speel simpele spelletjies. Terug by hulle huis dreig Elias hom en Nina met harde straf weens werksversuim.


In hoofstuk 13 het Benjamin, nou genoem Lukas, sy vyfde dag by die Van Rooyen-familie begin. Hy bly wanhopig en onwillig om hulle as sy familie te aanvaar. Nina, die Van Rooyen-meisie, beloof Lukas 'n geheim te wys. Sy lei hom dieper die Bos in, en Benjamin vrees dat sy moeder hom sou soek terwyl hy weg is. Hy besef dat hy Nina misgelaat het, en in sy angstigheid val hy in die modder. Nina keer terug en begin met leë bottels speel, noem dit haar eie musiek. Lukas beskou hierdie gedrag as simpel en vreugdeloos, en dring daarop aan dat Nina hom moet wys hoe om uit die Bos te kom. Nina dui aan dat hulle nog lank moet loop om by "Kom-se-pad" te kom, maar Benjamin staan daarop om terug te keer na sy ware huis, by Fiela en haar familie. Dit bly 'n konstante stryd tussen Benjamin se vaste besluit om sy ware identiteit as Benjamin Komoetie te behou en die Van Rooyen-familie se pogings om hom as Lukas te aanvaar. Die spanning loop hoog en elke dag in die Bos bring groter hartseer en wanhoop vir Benjamin. In die tweede deel van hoofstuk 13, probeer Nina, die Van Rooyen-dogter, Benjamin (nou Lukas) oorreed om haar te help in ruil vir sy vyf sjielings. Sy beloof hom om die weg uit die Bos te wys, maar vra hom ook om met haar op leë bottels te speel, wat sy as musiek beskou. Benjamin, egter, is gefrustreerd en weier om deel te neem, insisterend dat hy terug wil keer na sy ware huis by Fiela en haar familie. Hy bied sy vyf sjielings aan Nina aan in ruil vir haar hulp om die pad uit die Bos te wys, en sy stem toe na bietjie onderhandeling. Intussen bespreek Elias en Barta, Benjamin se vermeende ouers, hul onsekerheid en bekommernis oor sy aanpassing in hul gesin en sy aanhoudende vreemdelingheid. Hulle bespreek ook hulle dogter Nina se ongewone gedrag en betrekkinge, en Elias deel sy planne om Benjamin te leer om balke te werk by die balke - 'n plan wat hy hoop sal die gesin se ekonomiese situasie verbeter. Die deel van die hoofstuk eindig met Elias se besluit om Benjamin aan die werk te stel, en sy pogings om hom die verskil tussen 'n regsbyl en 'n linksbyl te leer. In hierdie deel van Hoofstuk 13, beveel Elias Van Rooyen aan sy dogter, Nina, en aan Benjamin (nou genoem Lukas), om 'n swaar blok hout op 'n steier te rol - 'n taak wat hulle skynbaar met sukses volbreng het. Elias besluit om Nina en Lukas te leer hoe om hout te kap en betrek hulle in sy werk. Hulle probeer hul taak met gemengde ontsteltenis en frustrasie voltooi. Die interaksie tussen Nina en Lukas word deur die boelies onder die hek aangemer, met Malie (moontlik 'n buurvrou of ander gemeenskaplid), wat ‘n lang gesprek met Elias hou. Sy kommentaar dui op 'n afstand en 'n soort minagting tussen Elias en die res van die gemeenskap. Onder andere suggereer sy dat Lukas nog altyd ongelukkig en vervreemd lyk, sy noem ook Elias se tekort aan produktiwiteit en die vreemde, geïsoleerde lewe wat hulle in die Bos lei. Namate die dag vorder, verlaat Nina en Lukas die werkplek stilletjies - 'n aksie wat groot woede van Elias ontlok, wat dreig om hulle harde straf te gee as hulle terugkeer. Barta kom na sy kant toe met kos en probeer hom kalmeer, maar Elias bly kwaad en ongeduldig. Barta pleit vir hom om Lukas nie te slaan as hy weer by die huis kom nie. Dalk dui dit op 'n groeiende besonderheid vir Lukas onder haar hoede. In die finale stuk van Hoofstuk 13 ontstaan 'n krisis in die Van Rooyen-huishouding. Nina maak dit bekend dat Benjamin, oftewel Lukas, die Bos in gegaan het, wat Elias met 'n geweldige skok slaan. Hy vrees die magistraat sal met die nuus uitvind dat Lukas weggeloop het, wat twyfel kan laat ontstaan oor Elias se vermoë om vir die seun te sorg. Elias is vol woede en dreig om Nina baie streng te straf. Nina lieg om haarself te beskerm en maak dit voorkom asof Benjamin besluit het om weg te hardloop, ondanks haar poging om hom te keer. Elias ontsteek in vrees en woede wanneer hy verneem Lukas het in die rigting van Diepwalle geloop, 'n gebied ver van hulle huis en moontlik nader aan Benjamin se ware huis. Hy staan teen sy vrou, Barta, wat probeer om hom te kalmeer en te ontmoedig om teen die kind op te tree, en besluit om Benjamin te jaag voordat hy te ver loop. So eindig Hoofstuk 13 met Elias wat 'n ruk in die nag trotseer om die wegloper Benjamin te vang, 'n beweging wat sy wanhoop openbaar om die seun as Lukas van Rooyen te behou, maar ook sy vrees dat hy in moeilikheid mag raak as dit ontdek word dat Benjamin probeer ontsnap. Elk van hierdie elemente vererger slegs die reeds hoë druk op die Van Rooyen-gesin en Benjamin self.

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