Fiela se kind (Dalene Matthee) Chapter 11 Summary
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Chapter 11 introduces Benjamin's distressing odyssey with Elias and Barta, as they try to transform him into Lukas. Benjamin silently resists, consumed by sorrow and longing for Fiela's home. Despite efforts to make him feel welcome, he strategizes his escape, clinging onto his identity as Fiela's son.
Chapter 11 follows a man and a woman, presumably Elias and Barta, guiding a child through the wilderness. The woman carries a lantern and a knapsack. The child is made to walk and is watched fearfully by his new "parents." He does not speak or cry, just trudges on. Confrontations with the man and the magistrate from the hearing are briefly recalled, embedding the child's resistance to his new identity. The pair insist on calling him Lukas, though he insists his name is Benjamin Komoetie. The voice speaking is likely Benjamin's internal monologue, as he recalls his mother Fiela asserting he is not a forest woman's child and vehemently disputes the imposed identity. Realizing the adults are unresponsive to his protest, he falls silent, reserving his energy for planning an escape back home. Elias and Barta perseverantly move him deeper into the forest whereas Benjamin doesn't speak fearing it would validate his new identity. Despite their persistent tries to engage him and offer him food and rest, he remains distant and unresponsive. He silently agonizes over his possibly irreversible circumstances, reminiscing about home, and expressing a sense of divided identity - he is white, while his beloved family is brown. Despite their efforts to put Benjamin at ease, he only grows more resistant and anxious. He even mentally prepares to walk a week back to his home, vowing not to eat until he returns there. At Elias and Barta’s home, he meets a crowd of increasingly familiar faces. Despite their attempts to make him feel loved and welcome, Benjamin decides to sleep and plan his long journey back to Lange Kloof. Even the sympathy of an old woman, who seems to empathize with his turmoil, provides no solace as she too addresses him as Lukas, leading Benjamin to cry, his hope turning to despair.
In Hoofstuk 11 weerstaan Benjamin, nou Lukas, sy toedeel aan die Van Rooyens. Vervreemd en angstig, hoop hy om te ontsnap na Fiela. Hy ontmoet sy vermeende broer, suster en 'n ouma, maar weigering om as Lukas aanvaar. Onverwagte hartseer veroorsaak 'n huilbui, wat sy terugkeer onwaarskynlik maak.
In Hoofstuk 11 vervoeg Benjamin, teruggekeer na Lukas, die Van Rooyen-egpaar. Hy is onwillig mense erken as sy ouers en ontken dat hy Lukas is, hy bly insisteer hy is Benjamin Komoetie. Ongeag sy proteasie, neem die Van Rooyens hom terug na hul bos huis. Lukas is angstig en vervreemd. Hy hoop om by hul huis weg te kom en terug te keer na Fiela en haar familie. Die Van Rooyens slaag daarin om hom te oortuig om te rus, alhoewel hy bly weier om te eet. By hul huis, maak Lukas kennis met sy vermeende broer Willem en suster Nina. Die huis is gevul met gesigte van onbekendes, en Lukas is oorweldig deur verwarring en vrees. Hy bly weier mannen Lukas. Sy hartseer eskaleer wanneer 'n ou vrouw, sy vermeende ouma, ook hom Lukas noem. Dit besef laat hom besef die kans op 'n terugkeer huistoe is kleiner as hy gedink het, veroorsaak 'n uitbreek in trane.