Fiela se kind (Dalene Matthee) Chapter 10 Summary
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Chapter 10 sees Fiela's anguish over Benjamin's non-return intensify. Her growing suspicion officials lied leads her to resolve to retrieve Benjamin from Knysna herself. Her activities around the farm and steadfast decision confirms her maternal determination in the face of adversity, ending with her ready to reclaim Benjamin.
In Chapter 10, Fiela endures the agonizing wait for Benjamin's return, focusing on farm tasks to distract herself from the mounting fears. Her inner turmoil echoes the uncertainties surrounding Benjamin's origin and fate after his meeting with the magistrate. Despite reassurances that he would be returned by nightfall, the day ends with Benjamin's absence still a painful reality. Amid the sorrow, Fiela devotes herself to arduous labour — tending to the volatile ostriches, bustling around the household and planning for the future — all serving as counterweight to the gnawing uncertainty within. Finding no sleep overnight, Fiela becomes convinced the officials lied about Benjamin's return. The following day, she decides to march to Knysna herself to bring him home. Amid protests from her family, she sternly assigns them tasks to keep the farm running during her absence, her stern, persevering character remaining unswayed even in this moment of intense emotional turmoil. This chapter depicts the strength and resolve of the maternal Fiela, who will do anything to ensure the safety and return of her adopted son, Benjamin. The chapter ends with Fiela steeled for her journey to Knysna — a mission to reclaim her “son”, reflecting the depths of her fierceness and resolute love in the face of adversities.
In Hoofstuk 10 word Fiela se angstige wagting vir Benjamin se terugkeer beskryf. Haar vrees verskerp met die tyd, wat lei tot haar besluit om self na Knysna te gaan soek. Selling is emosioneel verpauperd en gespanne. Benjamin se afwesigheid plaas verder druk op die gesin.
Hoofstuk 10 gee aandag aan Fiela en haar groeiende vrees vir Benjamin se lot. Nadat hy saam met onbekendes op 'n reis gestuur is om te bewys of hy die vermiste jong Lukas is, is Fiela gespanne. Gedurende die dag werk sy hard om haar angs af te lei, insluitend om te skel op haar volstruise, maar steeds is haar hart agter die berg waar Benjamin is. Ondanks haar hoop dat haar seun ongedeerd is, laat die feit dat hy nie bekend is met vreemde mense hom kwesbaar. Intussen, wys Selling kommer oor sy vermoeiens en voel hy swak, moontlik 'n gevolg van die emosionele spanning. Met die nag wat inkom, word Fiela se vrees versterk, aangesien daar geen nuus van Benjamin is nie. Hulle wag op sy koms, eet, en een vir een gaan le, behalwe vir Fiela wat bly sit en wag. Die volgende dag, Saterdag, die dag waarop Benjamin moet terugkom, gaan verby sonder 'n teken van hom. Dit brei uit tot Sondagaand en Maandagoggend. Alhoewel Selling probeer om Fiela te oortuig om te wag, besluit Fiela besluitelik om self na Benjamin te gaan soek in Knysna. Sy beplan om alleen te gaan, selfs al loop sy te voet, aangesien sy bang is en seer om nog 'n nag te wag sonder nuus van Benjamin. Die hoofstuk eindig met Fiela se uitgesproke besluit om haar seun te gaan haal.