Donker Web Chapter 8 Summary

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Chapter 8 delves into Greg's driven search for 'the Baker.' He contacts Dr. Trollip's widow, but she abruptly ends their exchange. Despite blocked numbers and a lack of clear answers, Greg’s pursuit persists; his life stunted by a ‘dark pattern’ of unremitting, frustrating queries about his father's past.


Chapter 8, "Donker patrone," begins with Greg overhearing a lively conversation between Chloe and her friends about the future of baby-making, which triggers his thoughts about a particular newspaper article he'd read, related to Dr. Trollip's death. His curiosity pushes him to cyber-sleuth more on the late Dr. Trollip. Although Greg doesn't find much, he discovers a contact number associated with a cancer fundraising event, presumably belonging to Mrs. Trollip. He decides to call the number, but hangs up and contemplates whether to try again considering the sensitive nature of his inquiry. Offhandedly dialed, Mrs. Trollip returns his call an hour later. Greg, taken aback, stutters through his introduction and his relation to his infamous father, media magnate Chris Owen. He proceeds to subtly inquire about her husband's possible connection to his father's crimes and Project Nursery Rhyme, as well as his role as 'the Baker'. Mrs. Trollip then abruptly hangs up the call, leading Greg to wonder if she knows something. Moreover, his attempts to reach her prove futile as she then blocks his number. Despite the setback, Greg persistently contacts others associated with Mrs. Trollip and her deceased husband. His search, however, keeps leading to dead ends – a maddening maze with more questions than answers. This relentless hunt, in absence of a clear resolution, leaves Greg feeling trapped in what he metaphorically describes as a 'dark pattern,' reminiscent of unreachable customer service strategies used on some major websites.


In "Donker Web" se agtste hoofstuk, kontak Greg Mev. Trollip vir inligting oor haar oorlede man, Dokter Trollip. Sy stel homself voor as Chris Owen se seun en noem "Project Nursery Rhyme" en "die Baker". Na 'n onsuksesvolle soektog, voel Greg soos in 'n vraagdoolhof.


In "Donker Web" se agtste hoofstuk hoor Greg 'n gesprek deur Chloe en haar vriende oor die toekoms van genetiese manipulasie op babas. Greg, wat deur die babagesprek versteur is, lees weer oor die dood van Dokter Trollip. Hy begin ook soek na inligting oor Dokter Trollip se vrou. Hy vind 'n telefoonnommer in 'n borskanker fondsinsamelingsnuusberig en besluit om te skakel. 'n Stemboodskap reply en hy besluit om nie 'n boodskap te laat nie. Later ontvang hy 'n oproep van Mevrou Trollip, wat haarself identifiseer. Hy stel homself as die seun van mediamagnaat Chris Owen voor en vra na inligting oor mense met kennis van farmakologie wat dalk haar oorlede man, en sy eie pa, geken het. Sy beskrywe haar oorlede man as 'n "duiwel wat met kinders gelol het". Greg vra of Dokter Trollip betrokke kon wees by iets genaamd "Project Nursery Rhyme" en of sy inligting oor "die Baker" het. Haar antwoord is om die oproep onmiddellik dood te maak en daarna sy nommer te blok. Gedurende die week kontak Greg verskeie mense om uit te vind wie dalk kennis het van die Trollips. Ofskoon baie van hulle onwillig is om te help, lei sommige verwysings tot ander mense. Ongelukkig lei al sy navrae tot 'n doodloopstraat, wat hy vergelyk met 'n "donker patroon" of 'n verwarrende webwerwe-ontwerp wat gebruikers in 'n doolhof van skakels vang. By hierdie punt voel Greg self vasgevang in 'n doolhof van vrae sonder antwoorde.

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