Donker Web Chapter 43 Summary
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Chapter 43: Greg, Ayla, Plank, and Xander are shaken by 'the Baker's' ominous message. With Xander's return, they devise a strategy, luring 'the Baker' onto the surface web using a cat video. The plan pays off, tracking 'the Baker' to Florence, presenting challenges due to visa requirements.
In Chapter 43, titled "Die uitdaging," a chilling message from 'the Baker' disrupts plans for Greg, Plank, Ayla, and Xander. A response to their dark web bait poses considerable threat, intensifying the danger and urgency in their quest. Xander briefly exits, returning with newfound resolve and determination. They start seeking ways to unmask the dark web user's identity, exploring possibilities such as Bitcoin, search bugs, and malware. These attempts prove fruitless, leading only to dead ends and heightening frustration. A sudden idea emerges: Greg proposes luring 'the Baker' to an unsecured area, outside the dark web, by using a simple cat video as bait. The video would require a special codec hidden on the surface web, thus revealing 'the Baker's' identity when he attempts to download it. The team works tirelessly on this innovative plan, concealing any traces on their end. By the next morning, the plan yields results, revealing 'the Baker's' internet protocol address (IP – location on the internet) as located in Florence, thus literally mapping the next step in their pursuit. However, Greg and Plank are unable to proceed due to lack of visas. Despite the mounting danger and unexpected restrictions, their relentless quest to unmask 'the Baker' continues.
In hoofstuk 43 van "Donker Web", gebruik Greg, Xander, en Plank 'n listige plan om Baker's IP-adres te vind. Deur 'n aangehegte Trojan in 'n kat-video steek, ontlok hulle Baker tot Florence, Italië, alhoewel visumperikelen verdere soektog bemoeilik.
In "Donker Web" se drie-en-veertigste hoofstuk, aanvaar Greg, Xander en Plank die Baker se uitdaging om hom op die donker web te vind. Xander verlaat kortliks die groep, maar keer met hernude vasberadenheid terug en bied aan om hulle te help om Baker se identiteit te bevestig. In hul verdere pogings om Baker se IP-adres op te spoor, lewer hulle verskeie strategieë op, tensy hulle kom op die idee om 'n video beskikbaar te stel aan Baker. Hulle besluit om 'n katvideo van YouTube te gebruik en dit op te laai na Xander se SFTP-server, waar Baker dit sal kyk. Die groep ontwikkel dan 'n Trojan en steek dit in 'n CODEC wat op die oppervlak vir die Baker benodig sal word om die video te kyk. Deur hierdie CODEC te aflaai, sal die Baker se IP-adres onthul word. Eindelik bespeur hulle dat Baker se IP-adres gekoppel is aan Florence, Italië, maar kom tot die besef dat Greg en Plank nie na Italië kan reis nie, omdat hulle nie die nodige visums het nie.